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FOCUS Tool Online Study - Management

Exit Survey
Land O’ Lakes is interested in your opinions about the FOCUS tool. Your input today will help Land O’ Lakes create a more useful tool for the benefit of Management.

This survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. You can view your progress in the upper right corner.

Note your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate with other employees. So please be candid in your responses. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, please respond to the email invitation or send an email to [email protected].

Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
* Are you aware of the new FOCUS tool?
FOCUS Tool Usage
The next questions will help us learn more about how the FOCUS tool is used.
* How often do you use the FOCUS tool?
3 or more times per day
A few times per week
Less than once per week
Never use it
* On what type of device do you primarily use the tool?
Laptop or desktop computer
Other - specify
How often do you use the following FOCUS tool functions? If you are unaware of the function, please select "unaware of this function".
Case Management Functions
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Unaware of this function
* View/Monitor Cases for your account
Account Search & Edit Functions
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Unaware of this function
* Edit Account information
* Create new contacts and account/contact associations
* View account history
Imperatives Actions & Functions
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Unaware of this function
* Create imperative actions for your team that target growers or retailers
* Assign imperative actions to any team member/role assigned to the account
Scheduling & Calendar Functions
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Unaware of this function
* Calendar
* Record new Events and Tasks
On a scale of 1 to 10 how accurate is the following information from the FOCUS tool:
Not at all accurateCompletely accurate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not applicable
* Team members’ visibility to retailer accounts?
* Team members’ visibility to their grower accounts?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how easy are the following tasks using the FOCUS tool:

Not at all easyExtremely easy
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not applicable
* Your team to update acres for an account?
* You to know your teams’ VIP list?
* Are you aware your team members can record a VIP’s attendance at an Answer Plot event on the FOCUS mobile app?
* Do you know how to see an activity list for any period of time you would like for your team?
How often do you use the following FOCUS tool functions? If you are unaware of the function, please select "unaware of this function".
Dashboards & Reporting Functions
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Unaware of this function
* Set up and review reports
* Reporting for imperative actions due in the next quarter
* Dashboard feature
Tasks and Appointments Functions
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Unaware of this function
* Updating an account record with a summary from an appointment
* View tasks and appointments created by your team
VIPs and Target Lists Functions
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Unaware of this function
* Change process for VIP selections
* Change retail seller target lists
* Change to retail assignment
Other Functions
Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never Unaware of this function
* Search
* View sales data through Equinox links
What would be most helpful to encourage use of the FOCUS tool more often? Please be specific.
Are there any obstacles that limit your use of the FOCUS tool? Please be specific.
FOCUS Tool Training & Support
The next questions are about training and support you receive for the FOCUS tool.
* What type of training did you receive with the initial roll-out of the FOCUS tool? (Select all that apply)
From my supervisor
From an S3 team member
I have not received any outside training
Other - please specify

* How effective was the FOCUS tool training you received?
Extremely effective
Very effective
Somewhat effective
Somewhat ineffective
Very ineffective
* Which, if any, technical or user support options have you used to-date? (Select all that apply)
Website help menus
S3 team member
Super user within my team
Tech sheets and user tips
Customer service
Have not used technical/user support
Not aware of technical or user support options
Other - please specify

Rate the effectiveness of the following technical and user support services you have used?
* How satisfied are you with the amount of training and support options available to you for the FOCUS tool?
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Somewhat unsatisfied
Not at all satisfied
FOCUS Tool Usefulness
In this section, we’d like your opinion on how useful you find the FOCUS tool. Please keep this in mind as you answer the following questions.
* Based on your experience so far with the FOCUS tool, how would you rate its usefulness to you?
Extremely useful
Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not very useful
Not at all useful
What specifically do you like about the FOCUS tool? Please elaborate.
What specifically do you dislike about the FOCUS tool? Please elaborate.
* Please drag and rank(1st to 7th) the following functions of the FOCUS tool in order of their importance to you. 

Place the most important attribute on top = 1, second most important = 2, etc.
Drag your choices here to rank them
    Please indicate whether you agree or disagree with following statements as they relate to the FOCUS tool:
    Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't know
    * Facilitates communication
    * Intuitive
    * Keeps me and my team focused on opportunities
    * Is useful
    * Reporting and measurement capabilities
    * Easy to use
    * Has the FOCUS tool made your job easier, more difficult or not had any impact?
    Much easier
    Somewhat easier
    No impact
    Somewhat more difficult
    Much more difficult
    What are the primary reasons why your job is "${piping_text}" due to the FOCUS tool?
    What are the next things you’d like to see introduced in the FOCUS tool? Please be specific.
    Please share any additional comments/suggestions you may have about the FOCUS tool: