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Go Fishing in Victoria - Aug 2008
Go Fishing in Victoria - Aug 2008
Have you or other family members been recreational fishing before?
If yes, in the last 12 months how often have you or other family members been fishing (in Victoria)?
Less than 5 days
5 - 9 days
10 - 14 days
15 - 19 days
20 or more days
If no, what factors have prevented you from fishing in the past?
By what means have you become aware of the Go Fishing in Victoria (GFIV) initiative?
Family Fishing Event
Local Newspaper
GFIV Calendar
Recreational Fishing Magazine
What made you visit this website?
GFIV merchandise
Family Fishing Event
Local Newspaper
Internet Browsing
Recreational Fishing Magazine
Which section of the GFIV website are you most interested in?
Family Fishing Lakes
Premier Lakes
Premier Rivers
Family Fishing Events
Family Fishing Guide
Getting Started
Are you familiar with any of the following GFIV products?
Family Fishing Guide
GFIV Calendar
GFIV Photo Frame Fridge Magnet
GFIV Jigsaw
GFIV Tackle Box
Managing Inland Native Fisheries Brochure
Let's Go Fishing Cards
Have you attended any of these Family Fishing events in the past?
Lillydale Lake (16 September 2006)
Eildon Pondage (19 May 2007)
Kennington Reservoir (24 June 2007)
Kennington Reservoir (2 September 2007)
Lillydale Lake (22 September 2007)
Eildon Pondage (20 October 2007)
Lake Hyland (19 April 2008)
Eildon Pondage (17 May 2008)
Lillydale Lake (28 June 2008)
Kennington Reservoir (10 August 2008)
Lillydale Lake (20 September 2008)
Jubilee Lake (18 October 2008)
Are you likely to attend Family Fishing Events at any of these locations in the future?
Lillydale Lake
Eildon Pondage
Kennington Reservoir (Bendigo)
Lake Hyland (Churchill)
Jubilee Lake (Daylesford)
Are you more likely to go fishing as a result of visiting the GFIV website and learning about GFIV?
Possibly once or twice
Quite often
What other information would you like to see on the GFIV website?
Please tick this box if you would like to be placed on an email list to receive information about the Go Fishing in Victoria Initiative (including forthcoming events)
Your Name
Email Address
The Department of Primary Industries (DPI) is committed to protecting personal information provided by you in accordance with the principles of the Information Privacy Act 2000. The information you provide will be used by DPI to monitor participation for the Go Fishing in Victoria initiative. Your personal information will not be disclosed to any other organisation, unless authorised by law. If you wish to access information held about you or have any other enquires about this project please contact
[email protected]