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Baby On Board
Baby On Board
Pick Up Drop Off (P.U.D.O) by Baby on Board
You are invited to participate in our survey of a new service P.U.D.O (Pick Up Drop Off. This is a service where your children will be picked up every morning from your door step and delivered back to you at a convinient time. How useful would this service be to you? In this survey, approximately 100 people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about how frequent they would use this new service and how useful it is.It will take approximately 2 Minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.
Your survey responses will be stricly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact [Name of Survey Researcher] at [Phone Number] or by email at the email address specified below.
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
How do you cope with work and the care of your child/children?
Back Breaking
Marital status?
How Many Hours in a day do you work?
0 to 1 Hour
1 to 4 Hours
5 to 8 Hours
8 to 12 Hours
How Many Working days do you work in week?
1 to 2 Days
3 to 4 Days
5 Days
P.U.D.O is a service where your children will be picked up every morning from your door step and delivered back to you at a convinient time.
How useful would this service be to you?
Not useful
Moderately useful
very useful
How many days a week would you need this service?
0 to 1 Day
1 to 2 Days
2 to 3 Days
3 to 4 Days
4 to 5 Days
At what time in the morning would you what your child/children picked up?
6 to 7AM
7 to 8AM
8 to 9AM
9 to 10AM
At what time in the day would you want your child/children dropped off?
1 to 2PM
2 to 3PM
3 to 4PM
4 to 5PM
5 to 6PM
6 to 7PM
How many children do you have in your care?
1 - 2
3 - 4
5 - 6
7 - 8
In what age group does the child or children belong to?
0 - 6 Months
6 - 12 Months
1 - 2 Years
2 - 3 Years
4 - 5 Years
5 - 6 Years
How much would you be willing to pay for such a service weekly?
£50 to £100
£100 to £150
£150 to £200
£200 to £250
For how long would you need such a service as P.U.D.O?
0 - 6 Months
6 - 12 Months
1 - 2 Years
2 - 3 Years
4 - 5 Years
Please contact
[email protected]
if you have any questions regarding this survey.