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* S1. Do you, your family or any of your close friends or relatives, work in the following industries?
Market Research
Public relations / mass media
Manufacturer/ retailer of alcoholic drinks like beer, stout, wine, whisky, brandy
None of the above

S4. Please tell me if you have consumed any of the following alcoholic beverages in the past 4 weeks?
Canned beer / bottle beer 熟啤酒
Draft Beer 纯生啤酒
Vodka/ whiskey or cognac
Red wine
White wine白酒
Guinness/ Stout

S5. How often do you drink …?
Everyday 3 times a week 1~2 times a week Less than once per week Do not dink it Hard to say
* Canned beer / bottle beer 熟啤酒
* Draft Beer 纯生啤酒
* Vodka/ whiskey or cognac
* Red wine
* White wine白酒
S6. In a typical week, how many times have you consumed beer (in a bottle, or can) in the following situations?
3 times or more per week Twice per Week Once per week Twice per month or less Never Hard to say (Do not show)
* At home
* In pub or bar
* In disco
* In Karaoke
* In Chinese restaurant
* At hawker stores
S6a. On average, how many cans, small bottles or large bottles of beer do you drink every week
Small bottles
Large bottles
Total Pints
S7. You said you drink beer, how frequent do you drink the following brands?
Everyday or almost everyday 3 times a week 1~2 times a week Less than once per week Do not drink it Hard to say
* Coors Light
* Coors Extra
* Coors Gold
S8. In a typical week, under which of the following situations would you drink ?
* Now think about brands of beer that you drink on a regular basis, please divide these brands of beer into 10 TYPICAL SERVINGS:
Coors Light
Coors Extra
Coors Gold
Carlsberg (Chill)
Values must add up to 10
Rotation Order
Here we have three different beer brand concepts to be shown to you. I will let you read each of them for 1 min. Then, we will start to ask you some questions about these three concepts. [ROTATE THE ORDER OF SHOWING CONCEPTS A TO C] [PLACE ALL THREE CONCEPTS ON TABLE DURING THE WHOLE SECTION A]
A1A. Purchase Interest
Assume that this beer is available in a place you are used to buying beer at a price comparable to other beer brands of a similar type (for the same type and size of package). How likely are you to BUY this beer? (SA)
Definitely will not buy Probably will not buy Might or might not buy Probably will buy Definitely will buy
* Budweiser Concept
* Coors Light Concept A
* Coors Light Concept B
A2A Uniqueness
Compare to other brands of beer with which you are familiar, how different is this product? Is it …? Please use a 9-point scale, where 1 means very similar to other brands & 9 means very different from other brands
1-Very similar to other brands 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-Very different from other brands
* Coors Light Concept A
* Coors Light Concept B
* Budweiser Concept
A3 Believability
In your opinion, how believable are the claims made in this description? Please use a 9 pt. scale where 1 means not believable at all & 9 means very believable
1-Not at all believable 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-Very believable
Coors Light Concept A
Coors Light Concept B
Budweiser Concept
A4 Liking
How much do you like this beer idea? Please use a 9-point scale, where 1 means ‘don’t like it at all’ and 9 means ‘like it a lot’.
1-Dont like it at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-Like it a lot
Coors Light Concept A
Coors Light Concept B
Budweiser Concept
Reason of Like of Concept A: What do you LIKE about Concept A? Any other reasons? Any other reasons?
A5. How well do you feel this beer ___ delivers on the following …? Please use a 9-point scale where 1 means “Doesn’t deliver at all” & 9 means “Delivers completely”
1-Doesn't deliver it at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-Delivers completely
( )1 Is a high quality beer
( )2 Is a beer that is easy to drink
( )3 Is a beer for someone like me
( )4 Is a beer I would buy for a friend in a bar
( )5 Is a beer that makes a good impression
( )6 Is a beer that is full flavored
( )7 Is a beer I’d take to a party
( )8 Is a beer that’s more for men than women
( )9 Is a beer that delivers cold refreshment
( )10 Is a watery beer
( )11 Is a beer with a pleasant aftertaste
( )12 Is a low calorie beer
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