Dear participant,
thank you for agreeing to take part in this survey and answering a few questions about the means of transportation you use.
This survey should only take 10 minutes to complete.
Be assured that all answers you provide will be kept in strictest confidentiality.
Thanks a lot for your participation! |
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* Which means of transportation do you use personally? (multiple answers allowed) |
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* Which automobile brands do you have in your household? (multiple answers allowed) |
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Please imagine you would take an automobile trip with another adult person (e.g. your partner, a friend, etc.). The trip would take about half an hour. Which of the following options would you prefer? |
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And now please imagine you would take a long car trip (ca. 3 hour); which option would you prefer? |
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* Please try now to remember the last trip when you did not drive on your own (partly or during the whole trip) but you were sitting on the front passenger seat or at the rear bench. How long did the car trip take? |
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How many persons were in the car during this trip apart from yourself and the driver? |
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Was this person or one of these persons a child (below 12 years old)? |
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Did you take care of this child during this trip? |
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Where did you as a passenger sit during this trip? |
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What did you as a passenger do during this automobile trip? Please go through the following list and mark all of your activities during the automobile trip. (multiple answers allowed) |
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I primped myself (e.g. combing, shaving, make-up)
I shopped online, googled something or used my online banking account
I was absorbed in thought
I listened to music or an audio book
I read a book, newspaper or magazine (print version)
I made a video call, e.g. via Lync, facetime
I ate and/ or drank something
I supported the driver, e.g. I showed the way, looked for a parking space, called attention to traffic signs, etc.
I wrote and sent emails, text messages and Whatsapp-messages
I was active in social media, e.g. I watched or created content on Facebook or Instagram
I watched a movie (on the smartphone, tablet or on a screen which was built in the automobile)
I talked to the other passengers
I read my emails, text messages, Whatsapp-messages, etc.
I paid attention to the traffic
I read a book, newspaper or magazine on my smartphone, tablet or e-book-reader, etc.
I played something with the other passengers
Which of the following options applies most to you? |
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Finally, we would kindly ask you for a few personal data. Are you male or female? |
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