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Thank you for participating in our workshop on Wednesday December 9th at Blandford Nature Center: Growing a Diverse and Inclusive Board. 

Your feedback is very important to us! Please take a few moments to evaluate the workshop. All responses are anonymous. 

Thank you, 

The Inclusive Performance Strategies team 
How would you rate this workshop? 1=low 5=high 
1 2 3 4 5
Usefulness of the content
Interactive activities
Presenter's knowledge of subject
Style of teaching
How would you rate the pace of the presentation?
Too fast
Too slow
Just right
Was the workshop above or below your current knowledge level? 
Just Right
How can you use this content as a member of the Board at Blandford?
What did you like best or find the most useful?
Were your personal learning goals for the workshop met? If 'no', please describe the expectations that were not met.
Given the content covered in this workshop, what are your hopes for the next workshop in January?
Any other comments?