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Case High School Training Survey
Case High School Training Survey
5-Star Students Training Questionnaire (Case High School)
Exit Survey
To prepare for your upcoming 5-Star Students training session, please complete the following survey questions. Your answers will assist us in customizing the session to your particular needs and areas of interest.
If you have any questions about the survey please contact us via email at
[email protected]
Thank you very much for your time. Please begin the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
Have you had any past experience or training with 5-Star Students?
What is your primary goal for this training session?
Learn how to use the 5-Star Students program
Learn about strategies to increase school involvement
About how many students, faculty, or community members will be managed using the 5-Star Students?
< 100
100 - 500
501 - 1000
1001 - 3000
> 3000
Please rank the following topics in order of importance to you.
Least Important
Most Important
Keep track of participation in school activities (clubs, sports, etc)
Keep track of attendance at school events (dances, performances, sporting events, etc)
Use of 5-Star Students for attendance purposes (i.e. check-in, tardies, etc)
Use of 5-Star Students mobile capabilities
Barcode scanner capabilities and options with 5-Star Students
Reporting capabilities in 5-Star Students
Managing different user access levels in 5-Star Students
Rate your knowledge on the following topics.
Very Poor
Very Good
Use of Excel and text-based file formats
Use of web-based software applications
Experience with smart phone applications
Experience with using barcode scanner devices
Experience with using Bluetooth devices
How likely are you to use the 5-Star Students optional products listed below?
Very Unlikely
Somewhat Unlikely
Somewhat Likely
Very Likely
5-Star Students mobile app
5-Star Students desktop software (off-line event check-in)
Mobile barcode scanners
USB barcode scanners
How likely are you to create or manage any of the program types below?
Very Unlikely
Somewhat Unlikely
Somewhat Likely
Very Likely
Student involvement recognition program
Faculty involvement recognition program
Community involvement recognition program
If you are planning an involvement recognition program, which of the following topics would be of interest? Select all that apply.
Not planning a program
Assign point values to activities or events
Track point totals across different time periods (i.e. semester, 6-week period, etc)
Use an achievement level system (i.e. 5 star system)
Publish a customizable web page displaying recognition program results
Please add any comments or suggestions about your preferences for the upcoming training session.