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CHHS Strategic Planning
CHHS Strategic Planning
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The WMU College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) Strategic Planning Committee is seeking your input. The college is developing a new strategic plan and your responses matter.
The committee will use the results to inform the strategic plan to help realize the CHHS vision to
lead transformative education, practice, and research in health and human services
. The survey covers all these areas. There may be some areas of the survey that are less familiar to you so please select the "Don't Know" option or skip these items and provide us with valuable input in areas of higher familiarity.
Your survey responses are anonymous and will be reported only in aggregate. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Dr. Joseph Pellerito Jr., 269-387-7260,
[email protected]
. We will collect results through
Friday, May 25.
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
1. What is your primary role with the WMU College of Health and Human Services?
CHHS Undergraduate student
CHHS Graduate student
CHHS Faculty
CHHS Staff
CHHS Alumni
CHHS Administrator
Non-CHHS WMU Faculty or Staff or Adminstrator
Community member with frequent CHHS student contact
Community member without frequent CHHS student contact
2. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about
at the WMU College of Health and Human Services.
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Don't Know or N/A
Education is a priority in CHHS
Quality classroom technology is available
Technology support is adequate
Faculty are good teachers
Faculty use classroom technology effectively
Faculty are accessible to their students
Students participate in sufficient interprofessional education opportunities
Students participate in international education opportunities
Human diversity and sensitivity are valued
Students participate in sufficient experiential learning opportunities
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Don't Know or N/A
Students learn to think critically about research
Students engage in service learning
Facilities are conducive to learning
Students receive adequate financial support to complete their degrees
Students receive a high quality education
Students are well-prepared to enter the workforce
3. What one thing is most critical to make CHHS
more transformative in the next five years?
4. What other specific ideas do you have about CHHS
5. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about
research and scholarship
at the WMU College of Health and Human Services.
Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
Don't Know or N/A
Research and scholarship are a priority
Technology is used well to support research
Researchers partner with researchers from other programs and disciplines
Faculty are productive researchers and scholars
Faculty have adequate support for research and scholarship
Faculty have adequate time for research and scholarship
Facilities are conducive to research and scholarship
Undergraduate students are well trained in research and scholarship
Graduate students are well trained in research and scholarship
Research and scholarship accomplishments are celebrated within CHHS
6. What one thing is most critical to make CHHS
research and scholarship
more transformative in the next five years?
7. What other specific ideas do you have about CHHS
research and scholarship
8. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements about
community service and involvement
at the WMU College of Health and Human Services.
Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
Don't Know or N/A
Student community service is a priority
Faculty/staff community service is a priority
CHHS programs address future health care needs
Community organizations find CHHS approachable for education partnerships
Community organizations find CHHS approachable for research partnerships
Community partners are acknowledged
Research conducted by CHHS has been beneficial to the community
CHHS promotes international partnerships
CHHS meets unique community needs by providing clinical services
CHHS Unified Clinics are important for the community
The services at the Unified Clinics have helped me or someone I know
CHHS Unified Clinics are important for student learning
The facilities of CHHS Unified Clinics are conducive to learning and provision of services
9. What one thing is most critical to make CHHS
community service and community involvement
more transformative in the next five years?
10. What other specific ideas do you have about CHHS
community service and community involvement
11. For the next five years, how should CHHS prioritize the following:
Keep about the
Don't Know
Undergraduate education
Graduate education
Doctoral education
Connection to the WMU School of Medicine
Connection to the community
Clinical services
Interdisciplinary research
International education
Keep about the
Don't Know
Prepare students to meet the demands of the aging population
Prepare students for increasing globalization
Prepare students for interprofessional work
Prepare students to be technologically savvy
Human diversity and sensitivity training
Diversity of faculty
Diversity of students
Recognition of community involvement
Updating teaching technology
Updating research technology
Keep about the
Don't Know
Recognition of staff
Recognition of off-campus supervisors
Faculty resources for research
Faculty resources for teaching
Additional research faculty positions
Additional clinical faculty positions
Student financial support
Online education
Public relations
Website design
Social networking
Facility availability
Expansion of programs
Addition of programs
12. For CHHS faculty only: In what school or department are you a member?
Department of Blindness and Low Vision Studies
Bronson School of Nursing
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Program
Department of Occupational Therapy
Physician Assistant Department
School of Interdisciplinary Health Programs
Department of Speech Pathology
School of Social Work
13. For CHHS students only: In what school or department is your major?
Department of Blindness and Low Vision Studies
Bronson School of Nursing
Holistic Health Program
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Program (Ph.D.)
Interdisciplinary Health Services Program (B.S.)
Department of Occupational Therapy
Physician Assistant Department
Specialty Program in Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Department of Speech Pathology
School of Social Work
2012 Strategic Planning Committee - Western Michigan University College of Health and Human Services