Choosing Worksite Healthy Food Options
Choosing Worksite Healthy Food Options
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You are invited to participate in my survey Choosing Healthy Food Options in Your Workplace Cafeteria. In this survey, you will be asked questions about the foods you choose to purchase at your workplace cafeteria and why you choose these options. It will take approximately 15 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for me to learn your opinions.
Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Tasha Timbrook at
[email protected]
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
I Agree
How many days of the average 5-day work week do you purchase at least one item (on average) from your workplace cafeteria?
Zero days per week
One day per week
Two days per week
Three days per week
Four days per week
Five days per week
Do you typically purchase food or beverage items that your workplace cafeteria deems as healthy (has a green "traffic light" sign)?
Unsure - I don't pay attention to or are unaware of the traffic sign
If you do not purchase healthy food or beverage items in your workplace cafeteria, please select the reasons why you do not do so. Select all options that apply.
I do not choose food and beverages based on nutritional content
I did not know that healthy items are marked with a green traffic light in the cafeteria
The healthy items in the cafeteria do not appeal to my personal tastes
The healthy items in the cafeteria cost more than I want to spend
This question does not apply to me
If you do choose healthy food or beverage items in your workplace cafeteria, indicate the reasons you do so. Select all options that apply.
I try to consume healthy items to lose or maintain my weight
I try to consume healthy items for my overall health (such as nutrient content)
I like the healthy item options in my workplace cafeteria
None of the less healthy items appeal to me
I can easily identify the healthy food items in my workplace cafeteria
This question does not apply to me
What would make you more likely to purchase more healthy items or begin purchasing them? Select all options that apply.
The cost of these items is not as much as the less healthy items
The cost of these items is comparable to the less healthy items
There is more variety of healthy items
I enjoy the taste of the healthy items
I am able to easily identify the healthy items
My workplace gives me incentives to purchase the healthy food items (like a meal voucher)
My coworkers typically purchase healthy items
Humana encourages me to purchase healthy items
If Humana were to make the healthy food and beverage items more appealing to you to purchase, how would you feel if they reduced the amount of less healthy food and beverage items (such as chips, candy, and soft drinks) by half in your workplace cafeteria?
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Please indicate your gender.
Please indicate your age range.
Please indicate your job role.