Please do not enter any confidential business information in this form.

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this Review Meeting evaluation. Your comments will enable us to better plan and execute future Review Meetings and tailor them to meet business needs.


BB Project Team


* What is your primary job function?
Accountability team member
Program owner
CSR/Pricing/Eproductivity/Legal Reviewer

* How did you first hear or learn about the exact dates/format of this review meeting?
Email from Brian Yetter
Email from Betty Hawk
Monthly Marketing meeting (Angela)
From my division
From Jan Reyers
From Project Team

* Please specify the main reason for attending this Review Mtg.:
Accountability Team member
I represent an internal function (CSR/Pricing/Supply Chain/legal/etc) impacted by programs
My program is on the agenda
I am just interested in understanding the programs
I am in a sales function and want input/understanding

Please indicate your overall satisfaction with this Review Mtg.
Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Review Meeting Format
Effectiveness of the process
Venue- Room (or call-in if applicable) was acceptable
Campaign Request Form understandability and comprehensiveness
Notification of the event
Understanding of expected outcome
What was the most beneficial aspect of the Review Meeting?
What can we do to improve this meeting? (Remember, no confidential business info)

* Have you attended any of the previous campaign review meetings?
Email Address
Additional Comments
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.