CPA Leadership Survey

Exit Survey
As we embark on work on behalf of our community this year, we welcome your feedback on your experience to date with the Associated’s Community Planning & Allocations processes.
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the "Next" button below.

Please rate your assessment of the following processes and committees:


Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree NA or Don't know
* The Israel & Overseas planning and grantmaking supports vulnerable populations in Israel and around the world.
* The Agency Excellence process is successful in improving operational performance for the Associated and its agencies.
* The Agency Budget Planning Workgroups serve as an effective link between the Associated and the agencies.
* The local planning commissions (Caring, Jewish Future, Center for Jewish Camping, Day School) meet the goal of developing solutions for the human service and Jewish engagement needs of our community.
* The CP&A Steering Committee is a productive vehicle for delivering planning and allocations recommendations.
* The community planning and allocations processes, as they currently exist, are effective in for carrying out the Associated’s mission in the community.
* The Baltimore-Ashkelon Partnership and Baltimore-Odessa Partnership are successful tools to build connections between Baltimoreans and Jews in Israel and around the world.

Below are several ideas that may improve the planning and allocations process. If you had to select only two ideas that we should consider, if any, which do you feel would be most effective?  

The Agency Budget Planning Workgroups: Use agendas that are more issue-focused rather than budget-focused
The allocations process: Funding set aside for incentivizing savings and efficiency
The planning commissions: Focus on in-depth on one issue at a time
The CP&A Steering Committee: Improve with an agenda that includes greater analysis of inter-agency programming
The allocations process: Utilize a multi-year local agency allocation
The allocations process: Funding to incentivize collaboration
The CP&A Steering Committee: Have an agenda that includes greater analysis of the Jewish mission of our agencies
The Israel and Overseas committees: More directed grantmaking
None of the above
Other, please specify

* Which of the following, if any, would make your experience with CP&A most meaningful? Please select your top 2 choices. 
More information about the programs and services of Associated agencies
Ability to give input into significant issues and decisions
Better understanding of the planning commissions
Connect with one agency more intensively
Better understanding of the Associated’s budget
None of the above
Other, please specify

* When considering the allocations process specifically, what has been most successful? Please select your top 2 choices.
Considering issues as a CP&A Steering Committee
Understanding the interplay between local, national and international needs and allocations
Partnering with agencies to help solve specific issues
Understanding agency budgets and priorities
Intensive work with our agencies
Other, please specify

* What can we do to improve the allocations process (Staff to staff, Workgroups, Materials, CP&A Steering Committee)? Please select your top 2 choices.
More inspiring presentations of agency impact
Less time spent on allocations that do not significantly change on an annual basis
More work done at the CP&A Steering Committee level rather than the Workgroup level
Having dollars for supplemental and innovative use
More analysis of data
More of a connection to agencies and programs
Focus on the Jewish dimension of what we fund
Other, please specify

* Please tell us, what else you like or needs to be improved about the community planning and allocation process.  Please be specific. 
* We would like to know a little bit more about you. 

I can be best described as:    
Agency lay leader
CP&A lay leader
Agency professional
Associated professional
* I have been involved with CP&A for:
Less than 2 years
2-5 years
6 or more years