This year again, we invite you to complete this survey, in order to help us to measure our customer satisfaction.
It should take no longer than 5 minutes. Rest assured, all answers are strictly confidential and data from the research will be reported at an aggregate level only.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, but by giving us your email address you will be eligible to win a gift pack of DE LA FONTAINE's branded clothing (1 softshell coat, 1 polo, 1 t-shirt and 1 cap), a value of $150.
If you have any questions about the survey or our analysis, you may contact Stéphane Richer, Sales and Marketing Director at DE LA FONTAINE by phone at 1-800-565-9230 ext. 236 or by email at [email protected].
Please note that the survey will be avalaible until October 21, 2015. An answer before this date will be very appreciated. Thank you for your time and your support.
To begin the survey, click the NEXT button below.
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Please rate your SATISFACTION LEVEL with DE LA FONTAINE for each of the attributes listed below.
Please rate the SERVICE PERFORMANCE of DE LA FONTAINE compared with your next largest hollow metal product supplier in each of the service areas listed.
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At the end of June, 2015 we have launched a customer service department with a call center. 3 months later, we would like to know your impression about this new way to communicate. |
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Usually, when you call us, what would best describe your calling experience? |
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Usually, when you call us, how long does it take to get an answer? (Referring to the time required to get a full answer to your question, not the time to hold the line) |
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In your opinion, when you call us, how long is an acceptable delay to get an answer to your question? (Once again, referring to the time required to get a full answer to your question) |
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Usually, when you send us an email, how quickly do you get your answer? (Referring to the time required to get a full answer to your question, not a partial answer) |
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In your opinion, when you send us an email, how long is an acceptable delay to get an answer to your question? (Once again, referring to the time required to get a full answer to your question) |
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Overall, how satisfied are you with the customer service experience? |
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| Please feel free to comment or to tell us how we should improve the quality of our customer service. | | |
As quality is an integral part of our corporate values, compared to the competition, how would you rate our product quality?
In the past year, have you had a quality issue with DE LA FONTAINE? |
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What kind of quality issues do you usually have to deal with? |
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| Please feel free to comment on your previous answer regarding product quality issues. | | |
When there is a quality issue with our products, to which average percentage do you report the situation to the DE LA FONTAINE customer service department? |
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How do you rate DE LA FONTAINE's overall performance today compared to last year at this time? |
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How do you rate DE LA FONTAINE's overall performance over the last 12 months compared to other hollow metal product companies you do business with? |
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| Please feel free to comment on your previous answers regarding our overall performance. | | |
| If you could change or improve one thing about DE LA FONTAINE, what would it be? | | |
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Have you attended our Customer Appreciation Day last June 25th at Woburn, MA? |
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How much did you like it? |
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Why did you not attend the event? |
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Would you like us to hold this kind of event more often? |
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| Please feel free to give us some suggestions or comments on this kind of activity. | | |
Feel free to give us your name and email address to be entered for a chance to win a gift pack of DE LA FONTAINE's branded clothing (a value of $150).