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Em and M
Em and M
Did you personally make, influence, or participate in any purchases on the Internet during this past Holiday season?
Other (Please Specify)
About how much in
did you spend on those purchases:
About how much of this was spent on
for others:
What types of products did you purchase on the Internet?
Please check all that you bought:
Books or magazines
Computer hardware
Music, CDs, recordings
Videos, DVDs
Home Electronics
Travel (airlines, car rentals, hotels)
Tickets (concert, movies, etc.)
Services (insurance, legal)
Other items
Other (Please Specify)
Used by you personally on-line for e-mail or Internet access
Used by you personally for purposes other than on-line access
Used by someone else on-line for e-mail or Internet access
Used by someone else for purposes other than on-line access
Below are some statements of people�s attitudes toward the Internet. Please check the one box that best indicates how well the statement describes you personally. Even if you don�t use the Internet, from what you may have heard about it, please check the box that best reflects your impressions.
How well does the statement describe you?
like me
Quite a
lot like me
like me
Not much
like me
Not at
all like me
I think on-line buying is (or would be) a novel, fun way to shop.
I like the help & friendliness I can get at local stores.
For me, shopping in stores is a hassle.
I think Internet shopping would avoid the hassle of local shopping.
Local stores have better prices & promotions than Internet stores.
I�d have a hard time searching the Internet to find what I need.
I don�t think Internet stores carry things I want.
I disklike the delivery problems & backorders of Internet buying.
I find the Internet ordering process is hard to understand & use.
How well does the statement describe you?
like me
Quite a
lot like me
like me
Not much
like me
Not at
all like me
I don't want to give out my credit card number to a computer.
I think Internet shopping offers better quality than local stores.
I don't know much about using the Internet.
I often go to the Internet to preview products.
I would like not having to leave home when shopping.
I like it that no car is necessary when shopping on the Internet.
I often go to the Internet for product reviews or recommendations.
I like having products delivered to me at home.
I want to see things in person before I buy.
How well does the statement describe you?
like me
Quite a
lot like me
like me
Not much
like me
Not at
all like me
I think Internet shopping offers better selection than local stores.
I don�t like having to wait for products to arrive in the mail.
None of my friends shop on the Internet.
I would shop on the Internet (more) if the prices were lower.
I dislike the idea of shipping charges when buying on the Internet.
I often buy using lay-away or store payment programs.
I think local stores have better service policies than Internet stores.
I always search for the lowest price in just about everything I buy.
I worry about my credit card number being stolen on the Internet.
How well does the statement describe you?
like me
Quite a
lot like me
like me
Not much
like me
Not at
all like me
I want my purchases to be absolutely private.
Buying things on the Internet scares me.
I often return items I have purchased.
It would be a real hassle to return merchandise bought on-line.
I think the Internet offers lower prices than local stores.
It�s hard to judge the quality of merchandise on the Internet.
I like the �energy� & fun of shopping at local retail stores.
I enjoy buying things on the Internet.
I like browsing on the Internet.
I like to go shopping with my friends.
I just don�t trust Internet retailers.
For some people the following things are hard. But not for others. Tell us which they are for you, by checking one box for each item.
This is easy
for me
I could
do this
I don't know
how to do this
Sending or reading email messages
Using word-processing programs
Installing computer software
Configuring computer drivers
Fixing a system (e.g., Windows) problem
Installing an operating system (e.g., Windows)
Browsing the Internet
Using an Internet search engine
Making a purchase on the Internet
Finding the best price on the Internet
Using an Internet shopping bot
Finding Internet-retailer ratings
What type of Internet connection you have at home?
Please check one.
I don't know
Dial-up modem
Cable or ISDN
DSL Line
T1 or Faster
Other (Please Specify)
For each item below, please check the one box that best indicates how descriptive the statement is of you.
How well does the statement describe you?
like me
Quite a
lot like me
like me
Not much
like me
Not at
all like me
It is important to me to be treated well
I like the �royal treatment� in stores
I have somewhat old-fashioned tastes and habits
I like my clothes to look up to date
I never have enough time to shop
I think I am a little bit wild
I think shopping is fun
I often buy things on impulse
I have lots of leisure time
How well does the statement describe you?
like me
Quite a
lot like me
like me
Not much
like me
Not at
all like me
I expect to have more money next year
My world seems to be coming apart at the seams
I think I am a smart shopper
I like to be outrageous
I feel I get a raw deal out of life
I think a woman's place is in the home
I prefer stores where prices are always low
I never seem to have enough money
I regularly read the newspaper
I have more money now than last year
When I shop, I just want to get it over with
And lastly, a few final�but important�questions to help classify your answers.
Are you:
Other (Please Specify)
and are you...
Other (Please Specify)
Your age is...
Under 13
13 to 18
19 to 29
30 to 44
45 to 64
65 or older
Other (Please Specify)
Please contact
[email protected]
if you have any questions regarding this survey.