Employee Exit Survey
Employee Exit Survey
Employee Exit Survey
Exit Survey
1. What are your reasons for leaving this company?
2. How effectively were your skills put to use at this company?
Very effectively
Moderately effectively
Slightly effectively
Not at all effectively
3. How easy was it to get the resources you needed to do your job well at this company?
Very easy
Moderately easy
Slightly easy
Not at all easy
4. How much room for professional growth did you have at this company?
A lot
A moderate amount
A little
None at all
5. How well were you paid for the work you did at this company?
Very well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well
6. How fairly were you treated by your supervisor at this company?
Very fairly
Moderately fairly
Slightly fairly
Not at all fairly
7. How consistently did your supervisor reward you for good work?
Very consistently
Moderately consistently
Slightly consistently
Not at all consistently
8. How realistic were the expectations of your supervisor?
Very realistic
Moderately realistic
Slightly realistic
Not at all realistic
9. How reasonable were the decisions made by your supervisor?
Very reasonable
Moderately reasonable
Slightly reasonable
Not at all reasonable
10. How often did your supervisor listen to employees' opinions when making decisions?
Very often
Moderately often
Slightly often
Not at all often
11. How easy was it for employees to disagree with the decisions made by your supervisor?
Very easy
Moderately easy
Slightly easy
Not at all easy
12. How well did your supervisor handle employee problems?
Very well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well
13. How well did the members of your team work together to reach a common goal?
Very well
Moderately well
Slightly well
Not at all well
14. In a typical week, how often did you feel stressed at work?
Extremely often
Very often
Moderately often
Slightly often
Not at all often
15. How easy was it to balance your work life and personal life while working at this company?
Extremely easy
Very easy
Moderately easy
Slightly easy
Not at all easy
16. How safe did you feel at your employer's workplace?
Extremely safe
Very safe
Moderately safe
Slightly safe
Not at all safe
17. How comfortable was your employer's work environment?
Extremely comfortable
Very comfortable
Moderately comfortable
Slightly comfortable
Not at all comfortable
18. How positive was your employer's work environment?
Extremely positive
Very positive
Moderately positive
Slightly positive
Not at all positive
19. Was your employer's health insurance plan better, worse, or about the same as those of other employers?
Much better
Somewhat better
Slightly better
About the same
Slightly worse
Somewhat worse
Much worse
20. What actions can your employer take to build a better workplace?