Sponsored by : Welingkar Institute of Management Development & Research, Bangalore - QuestionPro Academic Sponsorship Programme
Questions marked with a * are required Exit Survey
* How long have you used the Application?
Less than 1 month
 1 to 6 months
 6 months to 1 year
1 to 3 years
 Not sure
 Never used
* How often do you use the Application?
Once a week
2 to 3 times a month
Once a month
Every 2-3 months
2-3 times a year or less
Not sure
* How familiar are you with the Application?
Very familiar (use on a regular basis)
Somewhat familiar (use it only sometimes)
Familiar but never used it
Never heard of product before
* How easy is it to find the information you are looking for?
Extremely easy
Very easy
Moderately easy
Slightly easy
Not at all easy
How helpful/useful do you think the application is for you?
Extremely Helpful
Very Helpful
Moderately Helpful
Slightly Helpful
Not at all Helpful
How attractive do you think the design is?
* User Interface
* Ease of use
* Easily readable
* Response time taken
* What is good about the application?
* What is missing from the application?
* If you could change something about the application what would it be?
* What recommendations would you offer for improving the Appliation?