Welcome to our survey. We appreciate your input and opinions. All individual responses will be held in strictest confidence; only aggregate results will be released. Thanks again for your help.
Please maximize your screen for the best view of the survey; also, some scrolling will be necessary within portions of the survey. |
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* 1. Do you live within 50 miles or so of Columbus, OH? |
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3. How many times during the past 90 days have you visited each of the following shopping locations?
* 4. In your opinion, which one of these three centers stands out from the rest as being unique in terms of its atmosphere, design and overall attractiveness? |
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* 5. Given your tastes, store and restaurant preferences, and budget, which one of these centers best fits the way you like to dine out and shop for fashion? |
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6. On a 0-10 scale, how likely would you be to recommend each of the following shopping locations to a friend or relative (0=not at all likely; 10=highly likely)?
* 7. Which of these Easton Town Center shopping pattern statements best describes you? |
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* 8. How long does it typically take you to travel to Easton Town Center from your home? |
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* 9. Which of these stores are you likely to visit during a typical shopping trip to Easton Town Center? You may give more than one answer. |
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* 10. Which of the following would improve your shopping experience and cause you to shop - or shop more often - at Easton Town Center? You may give more than one answer. |
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| 11. Is there anything else that would improve your shopping experience at Easton Town Center? | | |
* 12. Which if any of these reasons might keep you from shopping or shopping more often at Easton Town Center? You may select more than one answer. |
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| 13. Is there anything else that keeps you from shopping at Easton Town Center, or shopping there more often? | | |
* 14. Which one of the following best describes your personal attitude toward fashion and the way you dress? |
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* 15. Approximately how much did you spend in the past 12 months on yourself for apparel, shoes and accessories? |
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* 16. How much did you spend on your most recently purchased pair of jeans? |
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* 17. Based on the following responses, how many times would you say you dine out at ANY restaurants in general? |
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* 18. Approximately how much do you spend per month on dining out? |
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* 19. Which one of these department stores would you most like to see added to Easton Town Center? |
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* 20. Which if any of these stores would you like to see added to Easton Town Center? You may give more than one answer. |
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* 21. Which if any of these stores would you like to see added to Easton Town Center? Again, you may give more than one answer. |
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| 22. Are there any other specific stores that you would like to see at Easton Town Center? | | |
* 23. Which of these restaurant types would make Easton Town Center a better shopping/dining destination for you? You may give more than one answer. |
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* 24. Based on the following, are there any specific dining categories that you think are missing or should be better represented at Easton Town Center? You may give more than one answer. |
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| 25. Are there any other specific restaurants or types of cuisine that you would like to see better represented at Easton Town Center? | | |
* 26. In the past six months or so, which, if any, of the following social media have you used to learn more about the stores, restaurants and sales or special events going on at Easton Town Center? |
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* 27. How would you prefer to be reached by Easton Town Center regarding sales events, special attractions or entertainment going on at the center? |
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| 28. Your candid feedback is extremely important to us, so is there anything else you would like to tell us about Easton Town Center? | | |
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* 29. Which category best reflects your employment status? |
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* 30. Which of these categories best describes the highest level of education you have completed? |
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* 31. How many children under age 18 live in your household? |
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* 32. Which of these categories best describes yourself? |
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* 33. Which of these categories best describes your age? |
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34. Which of these categories best describes your total household income before taxes? (remember, all of your answers are held in strictest confidence.) |
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* 35. What is your gender? |
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