Questions marked with an * are required
1. How many times during the past 90 days have you visited each of the following Nordstrom and/or Nordstrom Rack locations?
Have not been 1 time 2 times 3 times 4-6 times 7-9 times 10-12 times 13-15 times More than 15 times
* Nordstrom-FlatIron Crossing Mall
* Nordstrom-Park Meadows Mall
* Nordstrom-Cherry Creek Shopping Center
* Nordstrom Rack-Belmar
* Nordstrom Rack-Cherry Creek area
* Nordstrom Rack-Park Meadows area
* Nordstrom Rack-Twenty Ninth Street
* 2. Regarding the Nordstrom at FlatIron Crossing Mall, please indicate which of the following statements you believe is most accurate:
The Nordstrom at FlatIron Crossing is well-merchandised for my preferences, tastes and budget
The Nordstrom at FlatIron Crossing is not well-merchandised for my preferences, tastes and budget
No opinion either way
Does not apply/have not been to Nordstrom at FlatIron Crossing
3. Do you have any other comments about the Nordstrom at FlatIron Crossing Mall?
* 4. Which, if any, of these reasons keeps you from shopping more often at FlatIron Crossing Mall? You may select more than one answer.
Already shop there on a frequent basis
Doesn't have the department stores that I like
Doesn't have the stores that I like
Safety concerns/feel unsafe when shopping there
Too far away from home
Shopping at another shopping center/venue more often
Vacancies at surrounding properties (MainStreet at FlatIron & FlatIron Marketplace)
The store prices are too high
Doesn't have the restaurants that I like
Difficult to get to/accessibility is difficult
None of the above/not certain
Other reasons? Please specify any other reasons for not shopping at FlatIron Crossing Mall more often in box provided.

* 6. Which if any of these changes at FlatIron Crossing Mall would most likely influence you to shop there more often? Please select all that apply.
If more of the stores I like were located there
If the mall was safer
If there were more restaurant options
If the mall had an overall better blend of stores
If the stores offered better prices/value
If it was easier to find my way around in the mall
If it were easier to get to
If the parking was easier
If there were more entertainment options
If the department stores I like were located there
If there were more events
None of the above/not sure/happy with the way things are
Other changes? Please specify any other changes that would influence you to shop more often at FlatIron Crossing Mall in box provided.

* 7. How long does it usually take you to travel to FlatIron Crossing Mall from your home?
Under 10 minutes
10-14 minutes
15-19 minutes
20-24 minutes
25-29 minutes
30-34 minutes
35-39 minutes
40-44 minutes
45-59 minutes
60-89 minutes
90 minutes to less than 2 hours
2 hours to less than 3 hours
3 hours or longer
Did not drive/does not apply
* 8. Which one of the following best describes your personal attitude toward fashion and the way you dress?
Unconcerned with Fashion
Aware of Fashion, but Don't Care
Trendy/Fashion Forward
On the Cutting Edge of Fashion
Not sure/uncertain
* 9. Approximately how much did you spend in the past 12 months on yourself for apparel, shoes and accessories?
Under $500
$500 to $749
$750 to $999
$1,000 to $1,499
$1,500 to $1,999
$2,000 to $2,499
$2,500 to $2,999
$3,000 or more
Not sure/uncertain
* 10. How much did you spend on your most recently purchased pair of jeans?
Haven't purchased jeans recently
Under $20
$300 or more
Not sure/uncertain
* 11. Based on the following responses, how often would you say you dine at a sit-down restaurant for lunch or dinner?
None/Don't Typically Dine Out
Once a Month or Less
2-3 Times a Month
Once per Week
Twice per Week
3-4 Times per Week
5-6 Times per Week
Daily/Once per Day
2 or More Times per Day
Not sure/uncertain
* 12. Approximately how much do you spend per month on dining out?
Less Than $50
More Than $2,500
Not sure/uncertain
13. We are interested in stores that you like to shop for fashion and fashion accessories. Please consider each of the stores listed below and check the appropriate response(s).
NOT familiar with this store Familiar with this store, but have NOT shopped there in the past 90 days Familiar with and have shopped this store in the past 90 days Not sure/uncertain
* Altar'd State
* American Apparel
* Anthropologie
* Athleta
* Dress Barn
* Famous Footwear
* Free People
* Kendra Scott
* Lane Bryant
* Lucky Brand
NOT familiar with this store Familiar with this store, but have NOT shopped there in the past 90 days Familiar with and have shopped this store in the past 90 days Not sure/uncertain
* Lululemon Athletica
* Madewell
* Michael Kors
* Peek Kids
* Splendid
* True Religion
* Zara
14. And which, if any, of these stores would you like to see at FlatIron Crossing Mall?
15. Continuing in the same vein, please consider each of these stores and check the appropriate response(s).
NOT familiar with this store Familiar with this store, but have NOT shopped there in the past 90 days Familiar with and have shopped this store in the past 90 days Not sure/uncertain
* Beauty Brands
* Kiehl's
* Lego
* Paper Source
* Bed Bath & Beyond
* Best Buy
* Field & Stream by Dick’s Sporting Goods
* JCPenney
* Nordstrom Rack
* West Elm
* ZGallerie
16. And which, if any, of these stores would you like to see at FlatIron Crossing Mall?
17. Are there any other specific stores or types of stores that you would like to see better represented at FlatIron Crossing Mall?
* 18. Which, if any, of these restaurants would likely cause you to shop/dine more often at FlatIron Crossing Mall? You may select more than one answer.
Pieology Pizzeria
Bonefish Grill
MAD Greens
Dickey’s Barbeque Pit
Café Rio
True Food Kitchen
Chipotle Mexican Grill
Maggiano’s Little Italy
LYFE Kitchen
Kona Grill
Yard House
Noodles & Company
None of these

19. Are there any other specific restaurants or types of cuisine that you would like to see better represented at FlatIron Crossing Mall?
20. Please indicate what means you currently use to receive sale information and/or sales coupons for apparel.
Currently Rely On Do Not Currently Use Not Sure/Uncertain
* Emails from centers/malls I have chosen
* Social sites like Facebook/Pinterest
* Radio
* Twitter
* Mobile/Smart Phone Apps
* Emails from stores I have chosen
* Television
* Shopping center websites
* Websites like Groupon
* Displays & signage throughout a shopping center
* Newspaper(s)
* Customer loyalty clubs/programs
* Direct mail to my home
* Outdoor/billboards
* Web searches like Google
* 21. What would be your most preferred method of communication for receiving sale information and/or sales coupons for apparel? (Choose one response.)
Social sites like Facebook/Pinterest
Direct mail to my home
Emails from centers/malls I have chosen
Shopping center websites
Emails from stores I have chosen
Customer loyalty programs
Mobile/Smart Phone Apps
None of these/uncertain

22. Please describe your participation level among the following social media sites.
Currently Using Site Do Not Use Site/Unlikely to Use Not Sure/Uncertain
* Instagram
* Facebook
* YouTube
* Google +
* The Super Deal
* Twitter
* Pinterest
* Pandora Radio
* LivingSocial
* Groupon
* LinkedIn
23. Your candid feedback is extremely important to us, so is there anything else you would like to tell us about FlatIron Crossing Mall?
* 24. Which category best reflects your employment status?
Armed Services
High School Student
College Student
Other Student
Not Employed
* 25. Which of these categories best describes the highest level of education you have completed?
Less Than High School
Some High School
High School Graduate
Associate's/Vocational School
Some College
College Graduate
Post College Graduate
* 26. How many children under age 18 live in your household?
No Children
One Child
Two Children
Three or More Children
* 27. Which of these categories best describes yourself?
Asian/Pacific Islander
Native American
Other race
* 28. Which of these categories best describes your age?
* 29. Which of these categories best describes your total household income before taxes? (Remember, all of your answers are held in strictest confidence.)
Under $35,000
$250,000 or More
* 30. Now just indicate your gender and the survey is complete. Thank you for your time. Happy Holidays!