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At the Fisheries Victoria Conference 2005 and through the Employee Opinion Survey, ineffective internal communication was identified by Fisheries Victoria (FV) staff as an area requiring significant improvement. Expressions of interest were sought to create a team to produce an Internal Communications strategy and in early 2006 a team was established. Since then, a project plan has been developed and informal discussions undertaken with colleagues around how to develop more effective communications within Fisheries Victoria.

To date feedback received has suggested that internal communication can be improved by providing more opportunities for staff interaction i.e. team building activities, annual conferences, formal induction programs and training. However, to ensure we develop the most effective communication strategy, we are seeking input from all FV staff through the following survey.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Name (Optional)
Please rate the effectiveness of the following communication activities within Fisheries Victoria and DPI.
Very Poor Poor Neutral Good Very Good
Email (staff bulletin)
Email (general)
Email (DPI News)
If you have any suggestions/feedback/comments for improving any of the above please provide below.

The project team acknowledges that efforts are being made by DPI and FV to address issues identified in the Employee Opinion Survey. These include provision of Frontline Management training to address lack of leadership, Staff Information Bulletin to keep staff informed, a reduction in the amount of emails where possible and new email principles, roadshows and an induction program for new staff.

Please consider these options below and rate how effective you feel they are in improving internal communication.
Very Poor Poor Neutral Good Very Good
FV Staff Information Bulletin
FV Email principles
FV Roadshows
FV Induction
If you have any suggestions/feedback/comments for improving any of the above please provide below.

Below are some of the options being considered to improve internal communications within Fisheries Victoria. Please consider these options and rate how effective you feel they would be.

Very Poor Poor Neutral Good Very Good
Team building exercises. To minimise disruptions to Fisheries Victoria activities, 20-25 percent of staff would participate at a time.
Conference. Timing and length of conferences to be developed recognising workload, travel and budget restrictions.
Induction program. Provision of an induction program for all staff including time in head office and regional offices.
If you have any suggestions/feedback/comments for improving any of the above please provide below.

Please describe methods of communication within Fisheries Victoria that you currently use or have used in the past that you have found to be effective.

Or alternatively provide any suggestions you have for improving internal communications within Fisheries Victoria.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.

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