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Frozen Tundra Football
Frozen Tundra Football
NFC Norris Football Pool Planning
Exit Survey
Who are you?
Note your availability for the following dates. Note of course that the location would be somewhere in Toronto, at one of our homes or perhaps at a pub (near downtown, or TTC accessible). Times would likely be a 7 or 7:30pm start (perhaps earlier if we go on the Sunday). Remotely Available is primarily for out of towners (i.e. using skype/google hangout access), but do note, it still means you would have to be available for the full 2-3 hrs.
Available (but not preferred)
Remotely Available
Not Available
Sunday, August 30th
Monday, August 31st
Tuesday, September 1st
Wednesday, September 2nd
Thursday, September 3rd
What is your feeling about bringing money back into the equation? Note we would have stricter rules for paying up front if we were to go in this direction (easy at a Live Draft).
I have no interest in betting any money over the pool, and would probably quit if we went in that direction.
Though not my thing, I would be willing to put in 20$
Yeah, let's do it, 20$ sounds good
Hell, let's go big ... 50$
If we were to go to a money pool, what would you want as the divy of winnings (since we will likely be 12 entrants, I've just represented in terms of the breakdown of shares). For no preference, simply mark down 'sounds good' for most.
Best option
Sounds good
No, Thanks
Full pot to playoff winner
10 shares to playoff winner, 2 shares to regular season winner (could be the same person)
10 shares to playoff winner, 2 shares to playoff runner-up
10 shares to playoff winner, 2 shares to consolation round winner (to keep interest in bottom rungs of pool)
Other breakdown ideas:
Any other thoughts on the pool. Should we get a trophy? What other in-season competitions can we have to keep interest? etc...
Have you already logged in and officially registered your team for the pool?
Yes, I'm awesome
No, I'm a dick
No, I haven't yet, but I'm doing it right now, so I'm kinda half-awesome, half-a-dick