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ICP - Innovation Culture - Example 2

Innovation Culture Profile™ (ICP) - Part II

WELCOME to Part II of the Innovation Culture Profile™ (ICP)

There are two parts to this profile. If at the end of Part II you have not taken Part I, there will be a link to Part I. In order to fully complete the profile, both Parts I and II must be taken.

For the purpose of this culture profile, “being innovative” means more than generating creative ideas. It means the full process of setting an intention or goal, focusing on it, generating innovative solutions and producing a positive benefit.

This profile is based upon the premise that every person has the potential to be innovative, in every job, every day.

Press "Continue" to start the profile. Do not close this browser before completing Part II of the profile as you will lose your responses.

Please note that your answers are strictly anonymous. We only collect demographic data to be used for research purposes and will never be used to identify an individual. Therefore, please be fully honest with your answers.

All materials in this self-assessment are © 1995-2014 Values Centered Innovation Enablement Services Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
[ your organization logo goes here ]

This Innovation Culture Profile™ has been customized specifically for [ your organization ].

Please start by identifying the organizational unit you belong to; then we'll collect some demographics, followed by 3 sections of questions. (If you have already given your demographics in Part I, enter the same answers here)
As you answer each item in this assessment, please keep your organizational unit in mind
* Select an organizational unit:
* Select your organizational level:
* How many years have you been with [your organization] or one of its affiliates?
* What are your total years of work experience (whether with an organization or self-employed)?
* How many total years have you held a leadership position (whether in this or a previous organization)?
[ your organization logo goes here ]

Vision and Values
Take a few moments to review [your organization's] mission, vision, and values statements

Based on your organization's mission and vision statement, please rate the following:
Strongly disagree Disagree Somewhat disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree
* People in my organizational unit know about and understand our statement of mission and vision
* People in my organizational unit feel inspired to work toward fulfilling our mission and vision
* People in my organizational unit strive to "walk the talk" of our mission and vision
Based on your organization's values statement, please rate the following:
Strongly disagree Disagree Somewhat disagree Somewhat agree Agree Strongly agree
* People in my organizational unit know about and understand our statement of organizational values
* People in my organizational unit feel motivated to think and act in harmony with our statement of values
Think about other organizations in your industry...
We are the least innovative 80% are more innovative than we are 60% are more innovative than we are 40% are more innovative than we are 20% are more innovative than we are We are the most innovative
* Compared to those organizations, how innovative do you believe your organization is:
* Divide 100 points according to where [your organization] focuses its priorities for being innovative:
- Optimizing revenue and growth through new products, services, technologies, marketing and advertising
- Optimizing productivity, quality, and costs through quality programs, productivity improvements, and distribution/supply channels
- Strengthening talent, knowledge and wisdom through talent recruiting, training and development, knowledge management systems, and networks of knowledge excellence
- Inspiring and guiding organizational behavior through business models, business strategy, organizational design, and culture
- Creating synergy with external stakeholders, such as customers, vendors, academics, society and the natural environment
Values must add up to 100
[ your organization logo goes here ]

Organizational Climate for Innovation
In this section, there are 48 items related to fostering a climate for innovation in your organizational unit.

Use the following scale to rate each item:

In your organizational unit, how well do people:
Almost no one does this Not effective Somewhat effective Effective Very effective Exceptionally effective
* 1. Set goals that can make a positive contribution to others
* 2. Communicate how the risks a team is taking might impact other people
* 3. Support everyone to stand up for their values and principles, even if it is inconvenient
* 4. Talk with others to define what team members already know and what they still want to learn
* 5. Keep an open mind to ideas that are different from their own
* 6. Encourage people to defer their own interests in service to the greater whole
* 7. Persist in following through on a plan until it’s completed
* 8. Acknowledge both achievement and new learning as two kinds of success
In your organizational unit, how well do people:
Almost no one does this Not effective Somewhat effective Effective Very effective Exceptionally effective
* 9. Avoid making negative judgments about others’ ideas
* 10. Look to shared values, and not just numbers, as a basis for sound decisions
* 11. Encourage respectful conversations even when a team is debating differences of opinion
* 12. Take initiative to ensure a team acts with integrity and ethics
* 13. Offer public and private appreciation when team members contribute to success
* 14. Reach out to people to understand their viewpoints about the risks a team faces
* 15. Listen to each person to find out what purpose would most motivate him or her
* 16. Respect sincere resistance to change by looking for the wisdom it might contain
In your organizational unit, how well do people:
Almost no one does this Not effective Somewhat effective Effective Very effective Exceptionally effective
* 17. Create a safe, trusting environment for people to be open and authentic
* 18. Proactively identify the resources a team needs and take steps to obtain them
* 19. Seek ideas that are based on team members’ highest values
* 20. Get everyone involved in setting goals they feel are high priorities
* 21. Measure team results according to the values the team has defined
* 22. Help others to create new insights and knowledge using intuition and analysis
* 23. Share power for decision making
* 24. Show sensitivity to the level of risk tolerance that others have
In your organizational unit, how well do people:
Almost no one does this Not effective Somewhat effective Effective Very effective Exceptionally effective
* 25. Keep promises, or renegotiate them ahead of time if a team cannot keep them
* 26. Integrate the good intentions of each person into a common goal
* 27. Make sure team members feel a genuine sense of completion at the end of a project
* 28. Express a willingness to hear and learn about unpleasant issues
* 29. Discuss what gives your team confidence and courage in the face of difficulties
* 30. Evaluate ideas honestly but without being harshly critical
* 31. Promote an enthusiastic, friendly atmosphere for everyone to give their ideas
* 32. Listen to each other’s concerns, fears and skepticisms about reaching a team goal
In your organizational unit, how well do people:
Almost no one does this Not effective Somewhat effective Effective Very effective Exceptionally effective
* 33. See a value in having made mistakes: the team tried something new, and they can learn from the results
* 34. Generate ideas from fresh, new perspectives
* 35. Make sure every person’s top ideas get fair consideration when making a decision
* 36. Strive to learn about the root causes of the issues they face
* 37. Make sure team members realistically understand the speed of change around them
* 38. Provide tangible support for putting a plan into action
* 39. Harmonize different viewpoints about what a team’s goals should be
* 40. Ask people to share what inspires them to do their best work
In your organizational unit, how well do people:
Almost no one does this Not effective Somewhat effective Effective Very effective Exceptionally effective
* 41. Stretch a team to produce a large quantity of ideas
* 42. Learn how all the factors in a situation fit together in a whole picture
* 43. Encourage team leaders to give appropriate rewards for what is accomplished
* 44. Find value in mistakes by making sure team members learn from them
* 45. Inquire into the possible risks and consequences of failing to reach a team goal
* 46. Consider both short and long term benefits when making a decision
* 47. Encourage people to share openly about their values in life and work
* 48. Initiate goals that require team members to learn and grow as they strive to achieve them
[ your organization logo goes here ]

Open-Ended Questions
* 1. How is “being innovative” needed and relevant to your work?
2. To what degree do you have the time and resources you need to be innovative in your work?
3. How well is [your organization] balancing work pressures with the opportunities to develop innovative solutions?
4. What do you feel is needed to make innovation a part of [your organization's] culture/DNA – and part of every person’s job?
5. How well do you get support from all stakeholders for your innovative ideas?
(c) 1995-2014 Values Centered Innovation Enablement Services Pvt. Ltd.