Information Admin 4
Information Admin 4
Exit Survey
I, Simphiwengesihle Mazibuko, am a Information Administration IV student at the Durban University of Technology. I am conducting a study on Employment Equity. I would be grateful if you could answer the questionaire which should take you no more than 10minutes.
Thank you for your participation.
Simphiwengesihle Mazibuko
1. Male
2. Female
1. Black
2. Indian
3. Coloured
4 White
What division do you work in?
1. Administration
2. Production
3. Marketing
4. Finance
5. Supply Chain
What do you believe are the benefits of affirmative action? You may select more than one.
It creats a bigger pool of employees for the organisation to choose from
It redresses the inequalities of the past
It enables the organisation to get a cross section of expertise
It enables the organisation to attract new business
It enables moe equitable succession planning
Have you ever been appointed to a position on the basis of affirmative action?
1. Yes
2. No
How were you treated by your peers as a result of affirmative action appointment?
1. There was no change
2. There was a positive change
3. There was a negative change
since you said there was a negative change, what was the main change?
1. I was call AA, BEE and other names
2. People of other race grooups who were my friends began to ignore me
3. People who spoke freel to me about management have stopped doing so
4. I hear snide remarks being passed about me as I walk past them
I believe that the affirmative action policy at XYZ is
1. Weak
2. Poor
3. Average
4. Good
5. Strong
How pleased are you with the manner affirmative action is implemented at XYZ?
1. Extremely displeased
2. Displeased
3. Neutral
4. Pleased
5. Extremely pleased