Sponsored by : Western Michigan University - QuestionPro Academic Sponsorship Programme
Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Participant #: (last 4 digits of office phone)
* What is your age range?
* Todays date:
* Department:
* Job Title:
* What are your job tasks? Check all that apply
Phone calls
Composing text at computer
Data entry

* How long do you work at any time before taking a break?
* Describe what you do during your breaks:
* Do you have any discomforts such as (strains, aches or pains) caused by work?
* Is there ergonomic information related to your work station at work you would like to know about?
* Is there ergonomic information related to your activities outside of work you would like to know about?
* When did you first notice your discomfort?
* What kind of treatment did you receive?
* Have you had to seek medical attention because of your discomfort?
Yes, but no relief
Yes, Some relief
No need
Not yet not bad enough
Not yet due to finances
* Is there ergonomic information related to your work station at work you would like to know about?
* Is there ergonomic information related to your activities outside of work you would like to know about?
* On a pain scale of 0 being no pain and 5 being extreme pain) how would you rate your discomfort right now? (Aches, pains, discomforts, strains)
0 No Pain
1 Minimal Pain
2 Mild Pain
3 Moderate Pain
4 Severe Pain
5 Extreme Pain
* What word(s) would you use to describe the pain/discomfort?
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