Exit Survey
Which campus did the service request occur?
VCU Medical Center
Monroe Park Campus
Are you a Student, Faculty or Administrative Staff?
Administrative Staff
How did you contact technical support?
In person
Phoning the VCU helpIT Center
Emailing the VCU helpIT Center
Landesk Service Desk
How easy did you find it to request help?
Very Easy
Not so easy
Very difficult
Overall, how would you rate the process for getting your problem resolved?
Very Good
Very Poor
About how long did you have to wait before your issue was resolved?
Within two hours
Between 2 to 4 hours
Between 4 to 8 hours
Between 8 to 12 hours
More than 12 hours
How clear was the information provided to you by our technical service representative.
Very Clear
Above average
Below Average
Not Clear
Do you think we.... (Select all that apply)?
Quickly identified the problem
Handled the query professionally
Help you understand the cause and how to solve the problem
Appear knowledgeable and competent about the subject

What comments or suggestions can you give us that could help us to improve the quality of the technical support that we provide to you: