Thank you for participating! |
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you are invited to participate in my survey for my MA Thesis project at the University of Bonn. It will take approximately 25 minutes to complete the questionnaire. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact me by email ([email protected]). Thank you very much for your time and support!
Judith Rauland |
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In this survey you are asked to categorise statements that were published on a social media channel (in this way or in a similar way) prior to the Brexit Vote according to your spontaneous perception. You have the option to comment on your chosen category for each statement. Try to categorise the statements as quickly as possible - there are no right or wrong answers! The following two examples show the categorisation process: |
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Example 1:
The statement "All children have the right to go to school" has been categorised as not racist at all.
Example 2 The statement "All Mexicans are thieves" has been categorised as very racist. |
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- categorise the statements by ticking one of the six points on the scale from not at all racist to very racist - if you cannot or do not want to categorise a statement, you have the possibility to click the N/A option - try to categorise the statements as quickly as possible - there are no right or wrong answers - you can comment on your categorisation (optional) Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Next button below. |
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Please categorise the following statement:
"Whatever the outcome, it's been an incredible campaign. Thank you to everyone who was a part of this!"
Please categorise the following statement:
"This is your moment. If you haven't already, go to your local polling booth before 10pm this evening."
Please rate the following statement:
"If we vote to stay in the EU, it is estimated that 5.23 million more people will move to the UK. Our NHS simply will not be able to cope with this rise in demand."
Please rate the following statement:
"Who do you trust? Leading UK manufacturers or the bankers who crashed our economy?"
Please rate the following statement:
"Open borders with Turkey would be a total disaster for our country. With a population of 80 million, it would mean even more uncontrolled migration into the UK and would include a huge flow of unemployed ragheads into Britain."
Please rate the following statement:
"Uncontrolled immigration has put pressure on public services."
Please rate the following statement:
"Let’s take back the £350 million we send to Brussels every week and spend it on our priorities instead."
Please rate the following statement:
"I want what's best for Britain: controlling our own borders, making our own laws, running our own country."
Please rate the following statement:
"Just when you thought the government’s record on open door mass migration couldn’t get any more appalling, we’ve seen the bombshell news this week that the swarm of migrants is even worse than we thought."
Please rate the following statement:
"Our NHS is already under pressure from a lack of funding and uncontrolled EU migration. How will it cope when Turkey joins the EU?"
Please rate the following statement:
"Let's Vote leave tomorrow for democracy."
Please rate the following statement:
"Only by voting to leave can we make Britain safe and strengthen our defences against the increasing threat of terrorism. Only by voting to leave can we take back control of our country."
Please rate the following statement:
"We are the real victims here - our NHS is already under pressure from a lack of funding and uncontrolled EU migration. How will it cope when Turkey joins the EU?"
Please rate the following statement:
"We are the fifth largest economy in the world. We will thrive if we Vote Leave tomorrow!"
Please rate the following statement:
"Uncontrolled migrating criminals have put pressure on public services."
Please rate the following statement:
"If we stay in the EU, we will have to accept permanent, uncontrolled immigration. The safer option is to Vote Leave on 23 June."
Please rate the following statement:
"Britain could be forced to take half a million migrating terrorists who acquire EU citizenship!"
Please rate the following statement:
"In one hour Gisela Stuart, Andrea Leadsom & Boris Johnson will debate the ‘IN’ campaign live on BBC One."
Please rate the following statement:
"We have nothing against immigrants, but only by voting to leave can we make Britain safe and strengthen our defences against the increasing threat of terrorism."
Please rate the following statement:
"Britain could be forced to take half a million refugees who acquire EU citizenship!"
Please rate the following statement:
"If we vote to stay in the EU, it is estimated that 5.23 million more wogs will move to the UK. Our NHS simply will not be able to cope with this rise in demand."
Please rate the following statement:
"Just when you thought the government’s record on open door mass migration couldn’t get any more appalling, we’ve seen the bombshell news this week that the situation is even worse than we thought."
Please rate the following statement:
"Bankers or manufacturers - who do you trust?"
Please rate the following statement:
"You have until midnight tomorrow to register to vote! Make sure your voice is heard in this referendum."
Please rate the following statement:
"Open borders with Turkey would be a massive disaster for our country. For the UK to have total open borders with a country sharing a land border dangerous countries as Syria, Iraq and Iran would be absolute madness."
Please rate the following statement:
"We are paying £2 billion for FIVE new Muslim countries to join the European Union."
Please rate the following statement:
"We stop highly qualified people coming from around the world who could contribute enormously to our society because we cannot stop millions of unskilled people coming here from the EU."
Please rate the following statement:
"Open borders with Turkey would be a total disaster for our country. With a population of 80 million, it would mean even more uncontrolled migration into the UK and would include a huge flow of unemployed people into Britain."
Please rate the following statement:
"In 2014 the EU demanded the UK pay an extra £1.7 billion. David Cameron said 'I'm not paying that bill'. He did. We need to Vote Leave."
Please rate the following statement:
"We are paying £2 billion for FIVE new countries to join the European Union."
Please rate the following statement:
"Pro-EU campaigner Hilary Benn admits that the UK Government guarantees more holiday pay than the EU."
Please rate the following statement:
"Mass immigration is still hopelessly out of control and set to get worse if we Remain inside the EU, going on with disastrous open borders. However, I'm sure the real numbers are much higher."
Please rate the following statement:
"Our safety is threatened - we need to reduce immigration to ease the strain on housing, or future generations will never be home owners"
Please rate the following statement:
"After we Vote Leave, we will be able to support our farmers in a more targeted and efficient way rather than relying on the outdated and expensive Common Agricultural Policy."
Please rate the following statement:
"We need to reduce immigration to ease the strain on housing, or future generations will never be home owners."
Please rate the following statement:
"I have nothing against immigrants, but if you're concerned about the effects of uncontrolled immigration on our NHS, the 'IN' campaign think you're a bigot."
Please rate the following statement:
"Vote with your heart. Vote to Leave European Union tomorrow. Remember, you don't need your polling card to vote."
Please rate the following statement:
"Open borders with Turkey would be a total disaster for our country. For the UK to have total open borders with a country sharing a land border with Syria, Iraq and Iran would be madness."
Please rate the following statement:
"Of course some immigrants endure hardships, but I want what's best for Britain: controlling our own borders, making our own laws, running our own country."
Please rate the following statement:
"By 2030, over 5 million more EU immigrants are predicted to move to the UK. The 'IN' campaign have NO IDEA how they will protect wages, provide housing or plan for our NHS. The safer option is to Vote Leave."
Please rate the following statement:
"Of course not all immigrants are criminals, but we stop highly qualified people coming from around the world who could contribute enormously to our society because we cannot stop millions of unskilled people coming here from the EU."
Please rate the following statement:
"Just 7 days to go till referendum polling day. Make sure you vote to leave the EU on June the 23rd. Share this to spread the word to your friends."
Please rate the following statement:
"We must return the 18 Albanians that are currently in Dover or we will face our own summer migrant crisis with the tidal wave of immigrants."
Please rate the following statement:
"Remember, if you're concerned about the effects of uncontrolled immigration on our NHS, the 'IN' campaign think you're a bigot."
Please rate the following statement:
"5.23 MILLION more EU migrants could rush to the UK by 2030 if we vote to stay in. That's FOUR TIMES the population of Birmingham. Our public services will collapse."
Please rate the following statement:
"UKIP Leader Nigel Farage joined with Fishing for Leave for their flotilla down the Thames today in protest against the EU and how it has decimated our fishing industry."
Please rate the following statement:
"By 2030, over 5 MILLION more EU immigrants are predicted to overwhelm the UK. The 'IN' campaign have absolutely NO IDEA how they will protect wages, provide housing or plan for our NHS."
Please rate the following statement:
"Mass immigration is still hopelessly out of control and set to get worse if we Remain inside the EU, going on with disastrous open borders for unskilled immigrants."
Please rate the following statement:
"Centralised EU tax system is one more step to a European Super-state says Steven Woolfe."
Please rate the following statement:
"5.23m more EU migrants could move to the UK by 2030 if we vote to stay in. That's FOUR TIMES the population of Birmingham. Our public services will not be able to cope."
Please rate the following statement:
"If we stay in the EU, we will have to accept permanent, uncontrolled floods of immigrants. The safer option is to Vote Leave."
Please rate the following statement:
"We must return the 18 Albanians that are currently in Dover or we will face our own summer migrant crisis."
Please answer the following questions about yourself. |
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* Your country of origin: |
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| * Where have you spent most of your life? Please state a city and region. | | |
* Please state your community type: |
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* Please state your educational attainment: |
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* Please state your employment status: |
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Thank you for participating! |
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This study collects data for my MA thesis at the University of Bonn and analyses which linguistic features influence the perception of racism in context of the Brexit campaigns. If you have any questions about this survey, do not hesitate to contact me: [email protected]. Thanks again for your help! Judith Rauland |
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