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Dissertation Questionnaire

For minority sports it is becoming increasingly important to develop a greater marketing focus when attracting both participants and sponsors. Individuals face an almost unlimited number of choices in their use of leisure time, while many companies are under increasing pressure to ensure a sufficient return on sponsorship investment while dealing with a large number of requests for funding from a variety of sports, events and charitable causes.

In this questionnaire it is intended to discover how participants of minority sports are attracted to and choose between the different offerings available, and how they react to sponsorship of the events that they are involved in.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be stricly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Andrew Brown by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.


Section 1.

These initial questions are regarding your sporting background and how you find out about sporting activities.
* 1. Which of the following best describes your sporting background?

(please select one)
Athletics / Cross Country
Fell Running / Mountain Marathons
General Fitness (Gym, Jogging, etc)
Mountain Biking
Trailquest / MTB Orienteering
Team Sports (Football/Rugby/Basketball etc)
Other (Please Specify)
2. And which of the following activities do you participate in?

(please select where appropriate)
Never Occasionally
(1 or 2 times a year)
(3 or more times a year)
Adventure Racing
Athletics/Cross Country
Fell Running/Mountain Marathons
General Fitness (Gym, Jogging, etc)
Mountain Biking
Trailquest / MTB Orienteering
Team Sports (Football/Rugby/Basketball etc)
* 3. Where do you typically find out about upcoming sporting events?

(tick as many as applicable)
At Other Sporting Events
Event Websites
Fliers or Posters
Friends or Colleagues
General Sport Websites
Local Press
National Press
Sports National Governing Body (NGB) Website
NGB Publications (Fixtures Lists etc)
Specialised Sporting Publications (Magazines etc)
Specialised Sporting News/Community Websites
Web Searches
Other (Please Specify)

* 4. And where would you initially look to find information about upcoming sporting events?

(please select one)
At Other Sporting Events
Event Websites
Fliers or Posters
Friends or Colleagues
General Sport Websites
Local Press
National Press
Sports National Governing Body (NGB) Website
NGB Publications (Fixtures Lists etc)
Specialised Sporting Publications (Magazines etc)
Specialised Sporting News/Community Websites
Web Search
Other (Please Specify)

Section 2.

This section is regarding Adventure Racing in general, the Rat Race Urban Adventure Series and your knowledge of the event.
* Do you perceive Adventure Racing to be an "extreme sport"?
Yes No Don't Know
* Have you ever heard of the Ace Races adventure race series?
Yes No
* Have you ever heard of the Dynamic Adventure Racing Series?
Yes No
* Have you ever heard of the Open Adventure race series?
Yes No
* 9. Have you heard of the Rat Race Urban Adventure race series?
Yes No
* 10. Have you ever participated, volunteered or spectated at one of the Rat Race Urban Adventure Races?

(please select one)
Participated Volunteered Spectated N/A - Just know of it.
* 11. When did you first hear about the Rat Race?
(please select one)
January to July 2004
August to December 2004
January to May 2005
June to September 2005
October 2005 to Present
Can't Remember
* 12. Where did you first see or hear about the Rat Race Urban Adventure Races?
(please select one)
At a Rat Race Location
At another Adventure Race
Magazine Article - Preview
Magazine Article - Report
Newspaper Article - Preview
Newspaper Article - Report
Outdoor Show/Exhibition
Promotional Flier
Promotional Poster
Radio Coverage
Sponsor Promotion Online
Sponsor Promotion Instore
Television Coverage
Official Rat Race Website
Other Website - News Story
Other Website - Event Listing
Word of Mouth
Don't Know
Other (Please Specify)
* 13. Through which of the following ways have you ever seen or heard about the Rat Race Urban Adventure Races?

(tick as many as applicable)
At a Rat Race Location
At Another Adventure Race
Magazine Article - Preview
Magazine Article - Report
Newspaper Article - Preview
Newspaper Article - Report
Outdoor Show/Exhibition
Promotional Flier
Promotional Poster
Radio Coverage
Sponsor Promotion Online
Sponsor Promotion Instore
Television Coverage
Official Rat Race Website
Other Website - News Story
Other Website - Event Listing
Word of Mouth
Other (Please Specify)

14. From what you know about the Rat Race Urban Adventure Series, how do you perceive the following elements of the event:


* Level of Attainability
* Level of Enjoyment
* Level of Extremeness
* Level of Excitement
* Level of Fitness Necessary
* Level of Sociability
* Level of Technical Skills Necessary
* Level of Entertainment Provided at Event Village
* Value for Money
15. If you have never participated, or don't intend to participate again, rank the following in the order that they would affect your preference to participate in the future

(1 most influencial, 5 least influencial)
Event Physical Difficulty
Event Technical Difficulty
Event Entry Cost
Event Locations
Event Timings

Section 3.

This Section will look at how you respond to Sponsors of the Rat Race Urban Adventure Series.
* 16. Thinking about some of the sponsors of the Rat Race Urban Adventure Series, what Brand or Company comes to mind?
* 17. Which of the following do you recall as sponsors of the Rat Race Series in 2005?

(tick as many as applicable)
Ordnance Survey
Lowe Alpine
Ellis Brigham
Visit Sweden
Red Bull
The North Face
Other (Please Specify)

18. For any of the following companies or brands involved at the Rat Race Urban Adventure Series 2005 did you:

(tick as many as applicable)

The North Face


High 5

Ellis Brigham


Notice company or brand presence/signage
Receive promotional items?
Receive discounts or special offers?
Make use of discounts or special offers?
Purchase brand item or from company?
19. In your opinion, has The North Face's involvement in the Rat Race Urban Adventure 2005:
Agree Agree Slightly Neutral Disagree Slightly Disagree
* Increased your awareness of their brand/products?
* Altered your perception of their brand/products?
* Enhanced the brand/product image?
* Appeared to show an appropriate image match between brand and event?
* Increased the likelihood of purchasing their products?
* Made you more likely to purchase one of their products over that of a competitor?
20. In your opinion, has Ellis Brigham's involvement in the Rat Race Urban Adventure 2005:
Agree Agree Slightly Neutral Disagree Slightly Disagree
* Increased your awareness of their company?
* Altered your perception of their company?
* Enhanced the company image?
* Appeared to show an appropriate image match between brand and event?
* Increased the likelihood of purchasing from them in the future?
* Made you more likely to choose them over a competitor when making a purchase?
21. In your opinion, has JMR's involvement in the Rat Race Urban Adventure 2005:
Agree Agree Slightly Neutral Disagree Slightly Disagree
* Increased your awareness of their brand/products?
* Altered your perception of their brand/products?
* Enhanced the brand/product image?
* Appeared to show an appropriate image match between brand and event?
* Increased the likelihood of purchasing their products?
* Made you more likely to purchase one of their products over that of a competitor?
22. In your opinion, has High 5's involvement in the Rat Race Urban Adventure 2005:
Agree Agree Slightly Neutral Disagree Slightly Disagree
Increased your awareness of their brand/products?
Altered your perception of their brand/products?
Enhanced the brand/product image?
Appeared to show an appropriate image match between brand and event?
Increased the likelihood of purchasing their products?
Made you more likely to purchase one of their products over that of a competitor?
23. In your opinion, has Volvo's involvement in the Rat Race Urban Adventure 2005:
Agree Agree Slightly Neutral Disagree Slightly Disagree
Increased your awareness of their brand/products?
Altered your perception of their brand/products?
Enhanced the brand/product image?
Appeared to show an appropriate image match between brand and event?
Increased the likelihood of purchasing their products?
Made you more likely to purchase one of their products over that of a competitor?
24. In your opinion, has Buff's involvement in the Rat Race Urban Adventure 2005:
Agree Agree Slightly Neutral Disagree Slightly Disagree
Increased your awareness of their brand/products?
Altered your perception of their brand/products?
Enhanced the brand/product image?
Appeared to show an appropriate image match between brand and event?
Increased the likelihood of purchasing their products?
Made you more likely to purchase one of their products over that of a competitor?

Section 4.

Thank you for your responses so far, in order to enter into the prize draw for some outdoor apparel and a bottle of JMR
whisky, please complete the following questions.
* Age
* Gender (male/female)
Status (Unemployed/Student/Professional/Retired/Other)
E-Mail Address
(this is required if you wish to enter the prize draw, it will not be connected with your responses and will be held in the strictest of confidence)
Any Comments?
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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