Meeting/Event Evaluation - Test Survey
Meeting/Event Evaluation - Test Survey
Training Services Evaluation
How satisfied are you:
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
With the appropriateness of the course to your needs?
That training personnel are sufficiently knowledgeable and professional?
With the location and quality of the training facility?
With communication of the training packages?
With the quality of the overall event?
With the scope of information presented?
With the usefulness of the information?
With the quality of the presentations in the general sessions?
With the overall meeting format's emphasis on training?
That you had sufficient time to network and share ideas with your peers?
With the amount of time dedicated to training?
With the materials you received before the meeting and their value in preparing you to more fully participate in the sessions?
With the "skill-based" training that emphasizes interaction and participation?
That there was a sufficient amount of time allocated to cover the content in the individual sessions?
Please tell us what we should do to improve the quality of its training services?
Technical Documentation
How satisfied are you:
Very Satisfied
Very Dissatisfied
With the appropriateness of the documentation to your needs?
With the quality of the documentation delivered with your system?
With the accuracy of the documentation delivered?
With the usability of the documentation provided?
Overall with the documentation provided?
Please tell us what we should do to improve the quality of the documentation delivered with the platform?
EchoAnalysis Product Evaluation
How satisfied are you with EchoAnalysis Analyzer regarding the following items?
Very Unsatisfied
Very Satisfied
Not Applicable
Overall quality
Installation or first use experience
Usage experience
With regard to the Medical Review how do you see the system helping you?
Not At All Important
Somewhat Unimportant
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Not applicable/
Not sure
Speed in completing examination and reports
Accuracy and completeness in filling out your report
Overall, how satisfied are you with the EchoAnalysis Analyzer Product?
Very Unsatisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Very Satisfied
Extremely Satisfied
If you have additional comments for EchoAnalysis about your experience with the Analyzer product that have not been addressed in the survey, please enter them below.
Technical Support
How important will the following product characteristics be to you?
Not Useful
Somewhat Useful
Moderately Useful
Extremely Useful
Web page offering technical support.
Web page offering Frequently Asked Questions and solutions.
24-hour phone support for technical assistance.
On-site engineer to assist and teach during installation.
Installation by third party.
About Your Organization
Approximately how many Physicians are in your organization?
Less than 5 Physicians
5-10 Physicians
10-20 Physicians
More than 20 Physicians
What is your title?
Please contact
[email protected]
if you have any questions regarding this survey.