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MHFA in the Workplace

Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace
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Information about this survey
Purpose of this research
The aim of this current research project is to develop guidelines for how to provide mental health first aid to a coworker. Once developed, these guidelines will provide guidance for employees on giving appropriate support to a coworker who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis.

Why have I been selected?
You have been selected as a panel member for this study because you have expertise with the workplace and mental health (either as a manager, professional or consumer).

What do I need to do?
Your task is to rate the statements presented in this questionnaire according to how important you believe they are to providing mental health first aid to someone in the workplace. When rating the statements, please keep in mind that the guidelines will be used by any employee in a workplace and as such, the statements need to be rated according to how important each one is for someone, who does not necessarily have a counselling or clinical background, to provide mental health first aid to another employee. Note: In each section, there are some items that are actions for managers only.

For example you may be asked to rate the following statement:

1. The helper should not hurry the person because this can cause them anxiety.

You will need to decide how important, from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’, you think it is that this statement be included in the guidelines.

For an example of previously developed guidelines go to: First aid guidelines for assisting the person who is suicidal here.
What if something important is missing or if I have something to add?
There is a place for you to add comments at the end of each page. This is so that you can add any missing items or topics you think should be included in the guidelines. These items will then go into a second round of this survey to be rated by all of the expert panel members.

Where do the statements in the questionnaire come from?
The statements in the following questionnaire were derived from information found online, in books and in academic journal articles. Some of the statements may seem contradictory or controversial; however, we have included them because they reflect the wide range of people’s beliefs about policy, services and care. It is important to note that we do not necessarily agree with these statements; we have included them because we do not believe that we should decide what the best practice is in this area. Rather, we want an expert panel to decide this.

What is the focus of the questionnaire?
The questionnaire will focus on how an employee can provide mental health first aid to a fellow employee who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis.

How long will it take to complete the questionnaire?
This questionnaire should take approximately 60 minutes to complete. However, some people may finish it more quickly, while others may take longer, especially if they wish to lodge comments at the end of each section.

Can I save my answers and come back to the questionnaire?
If necessary, you can complete the survey in two or more sittings. You can save your answers at any time by completing a page and clicking ‘Save’ at the bottom. You will then be required to provide your email address. You will be sent a link to the survey that will begin where you left off.
* Consent to participate
It is important for you to know that participation in this study is completely voluntary. You are not under any obligation to participate and you can withdraw at any time.

We would like to thank you for your time and effort and encourage you to provide us with feedback on this process.

To participate in this research you must:
Have a lived experience of mental health problems whilst working, your mental health symptoms are well managed at the moment, and you have experience in an advocacy role.
Have a minimum of 5 years experience managing other employees, with either training in mental health or practical experience supervising an employee with a mental health problem.
Have a minimum 5 years experience specialising in workplace mental health or workplace health in a clinical, policy or program role.

1. Please tick the appropriate answer.
Yes, I meet this criteria.
No, I do not meet this criteria.
2. I understand that by submitting this survey I am giving my consent to participate in this study.
Information about you
* 3. Which best describes your area of expertise:
I have lived experience of mental health problems whilst working, with my symptoms currently being well managed and experience in an advocacy role
I am a manager with experience in the supervision of an employee with a mental health problem and/or have completed training in mental health
I am a workplace mental health and/or workplace health professional
* 4. Do you live and, if applicable, work in one of the following countries:
New Zealand
The United Kingdom
None of the above
* 5. What city or town do you live in?
* What state or provence so you live in?
How old are you?
* 8. What is your gender?
Gender queer
9. If applicable, what is your occupation and title?
* 10. Please name all the relevant organisations you are affiliated with and your role within these organisations, e.g. professional organisations, peer support programs, advocacy groups.
Overview of survey content
This survey is divided into the following sections:

1. General Awareness

2. Approach

3. Communication

4. Performance

5. Followup

6. Distress

7. Support

8. Reasonable adjustments

9. Disclosure

10. Substance use problems and intoxication
Definitions of terms used in this survey
These terms may have different meanings for participants.

The definitions below are how these terms are used in this survey. When completing the survey, please ensure you use these definitions only.

Common mental health problems in this survey refers to signs and symptoms of problematic anxiety, depression or substance use.

Person refers to an employee with signs and symptoms of a common mental health problem.

Mental health first aid means the help provided by any employee to another employee who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis. The help is provided until professional help is received or until the crisis resolves. This help may be provided by one person or by a range of different people.

Helper refers to any employee who provides mental health first aid as defined above. This helper does not necessarily have a designated role, such as a physical first aid officer has. The helper may be a coworker of the person, be the person’s manager, or in a role less senior to the person.

Workplace refers to a place of employment. Employee refers to a person working for another person, business or organisation (who could also be working as a contractor or volunteer).

Employee refers to a person working for another person, business or organisation (who could also be working as a contractor or volunteer).

Manager refers to a person responsible for the supervision of one or more employees.

Workplace stressors refer to working conditions that can contribute to mental health problems, e.g., long working hours, excessive workload, poor supervisory support.

Reasonable adjustments refers to changes to the work environment that allow a person with a mental illness to work safely and productively.

Disclosure refers to the degree of information being shared with others at work about a person's mental health problem, e.g. functional limitations through to diagnosis.

Employee Assistance Programs refer to a free and confidential counselling service offered by employers to their employees to support their wellbeing in the workplace and in their personal lives.
Section 1: General Awareness
This section contains statements about general awareness of mental health problems in the workplace.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
11. If the helper is aware that the person has a history of mental health problems, they should not assume that any poor performance is necessarily due to these problems.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
12. The helper should remember that not all workplace stressors affect everyone in the same way.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
13. The helper should be aware:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Of basic information about mental health problems e.g. what a mental health problem is, how common they are, the warning signs and symptoms, risk factors etc
Of the impact of the symptoms of mental health problems on the skills necessary for work, e.g. problems with concentration, memory, decision making and motivation
Of how stigma and discrimination can affect people with mental health problems in the workplace
Of the barriers to help-seeking for a person with a mental health problem
Of the pros and cons for employees disclosing any mental health problems at work
That most people with mental health problems who receive treatment respond with improved work performance
That while some people with mental health problems manage their symptoms without impact on their work performance, others may require short-term or ongoing workplace supports
That the level of support the person may need will fluctuate, as the symptoms of most mental health problems come and go over time
That investing time and support to retain an experienced and skilled employee with mental health problems is cheaper than recruiting and training a new person
Of factors other than mental health problems that contribute to problem behaviours in the workplace, e.g. poor performance, interpersonal conflict
Of the ways in which mental health problems may make a person a better employee, e.g. more aware of their own strengths and weaknesses, more empathic towards coworkers
That work can be bad or good for the person's mental health depending on the circumstances
Of the value of work for the person's recovery
Of the relevant laws and organisational policies that are relevant to employees with mental health problems.
14. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
This section contains statements about approaching the person to talk about their concerns.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
15. The helper should look for the signs and symptoms at work that may indicate that the person is experiencing mental health problems.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
16. The helper should not normalise problem behaviours as part of the person's personality, as this may make it difficult to recognise mental health problems.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
17. If the person behaves inappropriately in the workplace, the helper should consider that the behaviour may be due to a mental health problem.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
18. The helper should consider the following in deciding whether to approach the person:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Whether they have the appropriate knowledge and skills to assist the person
Whether they have any negative experiences, attitudes or beliefs towards people with mental health problems
If they are the person's manager, whether there is a conflict between their management and first aid roles
The extent to which their working role is being affected by the person's behaviour
The nature and quality of their working relationship
Whether the workplace culture is contributing to the person's mental health problem.
19. If after considering the above, the helper thinks that it is not appropriate for them to approach the person, they should consider talking about the situation with someone who may be in a better position to help and asking them to approach the person.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
20. If there is no one else available or appropriate to help, the helper should:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Approach the person regardless of whether they think they are the ideal person to help
Talk about the situation with someone else who can advise on how to approach the person
Talk with a mental health professional about how to approach the person.
21. Even if the person is in a role that is senior to the helper, the helper should approach them or speak to another employee who can make the approach.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
22. If the person is in a role that is senior to the helper and they do not feel they can make the approach, they should consider:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Contact their professional organisation or union for advice
Speak to the person's coworker who is at the same level in the workplace, e.g. another middle manager
Speak to the person's manager
Speak to HR.
23. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Approach (cont.)
This section contains statements about approaching the person to talk about their concerns.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
24. The helper should approach the person at the first signs of distress or difficulty at work, because early intervention can make mental health problems easier to resolve.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
25. If the helper notices worrying changes in the person's work or interactions with others, they should discuss this with them.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
26. It is important for the helper to approach the person showing signs of a mental health problem, whether or not work is a contributor.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
27. If the person is showing signs or symptoms of mental health problems, the helper should offer assistance, even if the person is still working productively.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
28. The helper should approach the person even if they are fearful of the outcome, e.g. that the person will respond negatively, that it will create trouble for the person, or that it will affect their working relationship.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
29. If the person's mental health problems are posing a risk to the health and safety of themselves or others in the workplace, the helper should:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Document their concerns, including time, date and location of concerning behaviours.
Talk to an appropriate manager about the concerning behaviours.
30. The helper should discuss their concerns with other employees who may be affected by the person's behaviour, such as other team members or managers.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
31. If the helper is uncertain whether the person has mental health problems, the helper should ask other coworkers if they have observed any concerning behaviours.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
32. The helper should approach a supervisor if the person's behaviour is affecting others in the workplace, focusing on the behaviour rather than the causes.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
33. The helper should approach the person if their behaviour is affecting others in the workplace, focusing on the behaviour rather than the causes.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
34. If the helper has discussed their concerns with the manager, the helper should follow up with the manager to be sure the concerns were addressed.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
35. If after following up with the manager, the concerns are still not addressed satisfactorily, the helper should raise their concerns with the manager's superior or the appropriate professional body or union.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
36. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Approach (cont.)
This section contains statements about approaching the person to talk about their concerns.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
Before approaching the person
37. Before the helper approaches the person, they should consider, what is the problem exactly and who is being directly affected.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
38. Before approaching the person, the helper should:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Document any concerning behaviours that they have observed
Have on hand any documentation relating to work performance or observed behaviours
Consider the expected outcomes and plan the structure and aims of the discussion in advance
Make a plan for what they want to say
Think about a time and place to meet that best suits the helper and the person
Find out what resources are available in the workplace to support people with mental health problems, e.g., an Employee Assistance Program
Consider whether the problems they have observed are due to other factors, e.g. workplace culture or Interpersonal dynamics rather than mental health problems
Be familiar with the organisation's policies and procedures for accommodating employees with mental health problems.
39. The helper should use regular work activities as opportunities to talk with the person about their concerns, rather than holding a specific meeting focused on the person's mental health.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
40. The helper should have the conversation with the person in a neutral private space, such as outside the office in a cafe, or somewhere where the person feels comfortable and conversations can't be overhead.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
41. The helper should ensure the meeting place is free of distractions and interruptions, e.g. switch off mobile phones.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
42. The helper should be prepared for the possibility that the person may not accept the support being offered.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
43. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 2: Approach (cont.)
This section contains statements about approaching the person to talk about their concerns.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
Note: The following items relate to how the person's MANAGER would approach the person.
44. Before approaching the person, the MANAGER should check any relevant organisational policies and procedures regarding performance problems if the person does not disclose a mental health problem.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
45. If the organisation has no policies for accommodating employees with mental health problems, the MANAGER should consider the best way to accommodate the person in their role.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
46. The MANAGER should approach the person directly and privately about their concerns, rather than indirectly with a group of employees, e.g. holding a meeting to talk about general concerns about 'some employees' or running training.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
47. When approaching the person, the MANAGER should consider going to the person's worksite if they are a remote worker.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
48. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 3: Communication
This section contains statements about communicating with the person in the workplace.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
49. When talking with the person, the helper should:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Describe the specific observations and reasons for their concern
Avoid blame or accusation
Be familiar with the guidelines on how to help someone who is suicidal
Listen nonjudgmentally
Demonstrate empathy and respect
Allow the person time to talk
Ask them what support they need right now
Offer information about available support
Allow sufficient time for the discussion with the person
Be aware that its more important to be motivated by care and concern than to say the right things
Be aware that they don't need to have all the answers
Say what feels comfortable for them
Stop and try again if what they say doesn't sound quite right, as it doesn't have to be the end of the conversation.
50. The helper should create a supportive and trusting environment when discussing mental health problems with the person by:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Sitting opposite the person
Sitting opposite the person, but at a slight angle to the person
Sitting an appropriate distance away, taking into account personal space
Sitting without any barriers between the helper and person, e.g. a desk
Sitting in a relaxed manner, without crossing arms and legs
Sitting in a relaxed manner, without crossing arms
Bending slightly forward towards the person
Engaging with the person by using culturally appropriate eye contact.
51. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Communication (cont.)
This section contains statements about communicating with the person in the workplace.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
What to discuss
52. The helper should consider starting the conversation with the person by talking about how their own personal struggles have affected their work behaviour.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
53. When talking with the person about their concerns, the helper should:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
First talk about the person's strengths and how they are valued
Express their concerns in a non-confrontational and clear manner, using examples of what the helper feels are the concerning changes
State changes they have observed in a positive way, e.g. "You are not your usual cheery self" or "you seem less energetic"
Stay focused on work-related issues
Focus the discussion on the person's health and wellbeing, rather than their work performance
Ask questions in an open and exploratory way, e.g. "I've noticed that you've been arriving late recently and wondered if there was a problem?"
Ask open-ended questions about how any mental health problems may be affecting the person
Listen if the person is willing to discuss their mental health problems
Be honest and open when the person's performance is being affected, even if they are worried that this may distress the person.
54. After raising their concerns with the person, the helper should ask:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Whether the person would feel more comfortable discussing the problem with someone else
If the person would like to continue the conversation in the presence of a support person, e.g. an external advocate, coworker.
55. The helper should ask the person:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
What impact any mental health problems are having on them
How long they been experiencing a mental health problem, to determine whether this is an ongoing issue or Something where an immediate action could assist the situation
Whether the person has ever been given a diagnosis of a mental illness
If they have an advance directive or management plan in the workplace in case of an episode, if the person discloses a mental illness
If there are any non-work related issues they may like to talk about or make the helper aware of
Whether any workplace or other issues are contributing to their mental health problems
Whether any workplace stressors are contributing to any mental health problem the person is experiencing.
56. If the person says that workplace stressors are contributing to their mental health problem, the helper should take the person's concern seriously.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
57. The helper should respect the person's wishes if they do not wish to discuss non-work related issues.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
58. If the person has opened up and shared their story, the helper should express their appreciation.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
59. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Communication (cont.)
This section contains statements about communicating with the person in the workplace.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
Things to avoid
60. The helper should not:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Diagnose the person with a mental illness
Offer the person remedies or treatments
Counsel the person
Make the person talk about their mental health problems if they don't want to
Ask questions that create pressure like 'What's wrong with you' or 'Are you stressed or something"
Use diagnostic terminology unless the person uses it
Rush in with another question without listening to the answer
Tell the person what to do
Be patronising
Treat the person as an invalid
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Assume the person's problems will just go away
Tell the person that they need to stay busy or get out more
Tell the person to 'snap out of it' or to 'get your act together'
Adopt an overly friendly attitude
Say "I've had the same experience" unless they have
Minimise the person's problems by comparing them to the helper's own problems or those of other people
Minimise the problems the person may encounter as a result of their mental health problems
Label the person's mental health problems as 'bad' behaviour, e.g. referring to a person who is frequently late as lazy.
61. The helper should avoid:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Embarrassing the person by saying things like 'everyone is noticing…'
Making assumptions about whether any sickness absence of the person is 'genuine.'
62. The helper should use non-stigmatising language when talking about the person, e.g. 'people with schizophrenia' rather than 'schizophrenics', 'people with substance use problems' rather than 'addicts.'
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
63. If the helper is unsure about what terminology to use when talking with the person about their mental health problem, they should ask the person what terms they use themselves.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
64. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Communication (cont.)
This section contains statements about communicating with the person in the workplace.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
65. The helper should be clear with the person about the limits of confidentiality.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
66. The helper should discuss and agree with the person about any limits on confidentiality and who will be told what, such as the helper needing to seek advice from OH&S, HR or others.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
67. The helper should maintain the person's confidentiality and privacy except where there is a concern:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
For the safety of the person or others
That the person cannot fulfil their inherent requirements of the role
For harm to the organisation, e.g. reputational harm.
68. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Communication (cont.)
This section contains statements about communicating with the person in the workplace.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
If they don't want to talk
69. The helper should be aware that the person may be reluctant to talk about any mental health problems for various reasons, e.g. fears about losing their job or other coworkers finding out, it doesn't significantly affect their work or because they have found ways to manage things on their own.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
70. If the person is reluctant to talk, the helper should discuss the reasons for this reluctance and ways to deal with them, if appropriate.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
71. If the person chooses not to talk, the helper should:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Tell them that they are available to talk in the future if the person wishes to
Encourage them to talk to someone else they trust instead
Not take it personally.
72. The helper should remain calm if the person reacts in a negative way, e.g. denial, anger.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
73. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Communication (cont.)
This section contains statements about communicating with the person in the workplace.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
Communicating with other workers
74. The helper should not complain to other employees or spread rumours about the person behind their back.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
75. When the helper is talking with another employee about their concerns about the person, they should be specific about their observations and avoid critical comments, e.g. "I have seen Lin engaged in heated arguments with two coworkers and even a client in the past week" rather than "Lin has gone crazy."
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
76. When the helper is talking with another employee who is concerned about the person, the helper should focus on possible solutions or support rather than solely on the problem.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
77. If the helper hears other employees talking about the details of the person's mental health problems in an unhelpful way, they should let them know it is inappropriate.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
78. If the person takes sick days and other coworkers feel that this is unfair, the helper should ask them if they would feel differently if the person were taking sick days for a physical injury/illness.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
79. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 4: Performance
This section contains statements about performance.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.

Note: The following items relate tot how the person’s MANAGER would approach performance management and mental health first aid.
80. The MANAGER should be aware that behaviours that breach the workplace's rules or regulations may require both performance management and mental health first aid.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
81. If there are any performance or behaviour issues, the MANAGER should explain clearly what is expected of the person in terms of work performance and behaviour.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
82. If at any point it becomes apparent that the person's behaviours are breaching the workplace's rules or regulations, the MANAGER should suspend the meeting and explain that a formal interview will need to be arranged.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
83. If at any point it becomes apparent that the person's behaviours are breaching the workplace's rules or regulations and loss of job is imminent, the MANAGER should be clear about this and document the meeting as a performance issue so there is no confusion.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
84. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 5: Follow-up
This section contains statements about following-up the person in the workplace after making the approach.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
85. At the end of the conversation, the helper should agree with the person what will happen next and who will take action.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
86. The helper should:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Keep a record of all conversations about the person's mental health problems
Not keep a record of any conversation about the person's mental health problems without their permission
Give a copy of the conversation record to the person and check its accuracy with them
Keep a record of any actions taken as a result of conversations with the person
Make arrangements for a follow-up meeting to review the situation
Informally check in with the person to see how they are doing.
87. If the helper is unable to follow up with the person, they should consider asking someone else to do this on their behalf, after seeking permission from the person.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
88. If after the conversation the helper feels distressed, they should find someone to talk to for support and advice, while respecting the person's privacy.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
89. If the helper's expectations of the discussion are not met, they should:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Try to speak to the person again at another time
Be aware that their actions may still make a difference, e.g. the person may speak to someone else about their mental health problem.
90. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 6: Distress
This section contains statements about supporting the person who is distressed in the workplace.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
91. If the person is distressed, the helper should not ignore the person, as doing nothing can make the situation worse.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
92. If the person is distressed, the helper should do the following (where appropriate to the circumstances and the helper's work role):
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Let the person know they are listening
Tell them that help and support will be offered
Be aware that the person may not be able to think clearly and take in much information
Focus on what is distressing the person right now
Ask the person if they need them to contact someone on their behalf
Assess for any crisis (immediate risk of harm to themselves or others) and respond according to existing guidelines
Not feel they need to offer the person an immediate solution, especially if it has long-term implications
Not send the person home straight away
Reassure them that is it ok to be upset
Provide an appropriate space where they can express emotion freely and compose themselves in privacy
Suggest you both leave the workplace for a short time to have a coffee or short walk to give the person time to collect themselves
Let them know that once they have recovered sufficiently, they can carry on working, take a break, or seek permission to go home
Tell the person their job is safe
Reassure the person they are valued, as they may be feeling embarrassed or ashamed about what happened.
93. If needed, the helper should seek assistance to more effectively support a person who is distressed, while maintaining the person's privacy.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
94. If needed, the helper should seek support for themselves after assisting a person who is distressed, while maintaining the person's confidentiality.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
95. If the person is too distressed to talk, the helper should reassure the person that the discussion can continue at another time and place that suits them.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
96. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 7: Support
This section contains statements about providing support to the person.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
97. If the person discloses a mental illness, the helper should ask if they have an advance directive or management plan in the workplace in case of an episode.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
98. If the person has an advance directive or management plan, the helper should follow the instructions.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
99. The helper should encourage the person to use helpful coping strategies they have used in the past.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
100. The helper should discuss how the workplace can support the person's existing coping strategies.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
101. The helper should be aware that the person may not be able to think clearly about solutions.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
102. If the person does not initially know what support they need, the helper should assist them in exploring the available options.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
103. The helper should assist the person to identify workplace triggers that contribute to their mental health problems.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
104. The helper should make contact with the person regularly in order to provide ongoing support and encouragement.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
105. If the person is able to meet the majority of their job requirements, the helper should encourage them to keep coming to work.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
106. The helper should assist the person to consider the pros and cons of taking time off work.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
107. The helper should be aware that being at work in a supportive workplace can assist in the person's recovery.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
108. The helper should not offer help to the person outside of the usual work roles, e.g. driving the person to their doctor's appointment.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
109. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 7: Support (cont.)
This section contains statements about providing support to the person.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
110. The helper should encourage the person to seek professional help.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
111. The helper should offer to assist the person to seek professional help.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
112. If the person is reluctant to seek professional help, the helper should discuss the reasons for the person's reluctance.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
113. The helper should make sure the person is aware of any relevant supports that the organisation can provide, e.g. EAP.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
114. The helper should offer to assist the person to find information and support services.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
115. The helper should encourage the person to consider:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Making changes at work to reduce stress levels
Talking to their manager about their concerns
Listing work tasks in order of priority
Telling loved ones about work problems and asking for their support.
116. If work-related stress continues to affect the person's mental health problems, the helper should encourage the person to consider changing jobs.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
117. The helper should recommend evidence-based self-help strategies that are
effective for managing mental health problems.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
118. The helper should encourage the person who is withdrawing to interact with others at work.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
119. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 7: Support (cont.)
This section contains statements about providing support to the person.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.

Note: The following items relate to how the person's MANAGER would provide support to the person.
120. The MANAGER should ask the person what support they need in order to fulfill the inherent requirements of their job.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
121. The MANAGER should encourage coworkers to support the person, whilst still respecting the person's privacy.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
122. The MANAGER should try to adapt the way they manage the person in order to reduce any work-related stress, e.g. some people may function better with more direction from their manager.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
123. The MANAGER should tell the person that they will help them get the support they need to return to their usual work performance.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
124. If poor workplace relationships are contributing to the person's mental health problems, the MANAGER should consider using mediation to help resolve issues.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
125. The MANAGER should be aware of the possible impact of the person's mental health problem on other employees and also offer them support.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
126. The MANAGER should encourage the appropriate use of sick leave entitlements.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
127. The MANAGER should with the person's permission, request medical reports or advice from their treating health professional.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
128. The MANAGER should focus on encouraging help-seeking before they address any performance issues.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
129. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 8: Reasonable Adjustments
This section contains statements about reasonable adjustments and the person.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
130. The helper should tell the person that they are entitled to reasonable adjustments.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
131. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 8: Reasonable Adjustments (cont.)
This section contains statements about reasonable adjustments and the person.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.

Note: The following items relate to how the person’s MANAGER would provide support to the person.
132. The MANAGER should be aware of relevant guidelines that are available on how to carry out reasonable adjustments for the person.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
133. The MANAGER should provide an opportunity for the person to talk to someone, for when they might be feeling distressed at work, e.g. telephone helpline.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
134. The MANAGER should use the following strategies (depending on the circumstances):
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Temporarily relaxing performance expectations for the person
Deferring 'bad news' until the person is feeling better
Having regular discussions with the person to monitor how they are coping with their workload and workplace accommodations.
135. The MANAGER should focus on performance management only after an agreed period of reasonable adjustments and after encouraging the person to seek professional help.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
136. The MANAGER should explain to coworkers in a positive and supportive manner why any adjustments are being made.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
137. The MANAGER should tell the person that they will not tolerate any harassment of the person due to their mental health problems.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
138. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 9: Disclosure
This section contains statements about the person disclosing their mental health problem in the workplace.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
139. The helper should be aware of any legal obligations that the person has to disclose that they have a mental health problem at work e.g. medical practitioners may be required to report medical conditions that impair their performance.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
140. The helper should be aware of any relevant discrimination legislation in relation to the disclosure of mental health problems at work.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
141. The helper should be aware of the possible barriers to disclosure, e.g. fear of discrimination, or fear of how their manager or coworkers may react.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
142. The helper should be aware of the possible benefits of disclosure, e.g. reasonable adjustments, education of others, openness with others.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
143. The helper should help the person to consider the pros and cons of disclosing mental health problems to coworkers and to managers.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
144. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 9: Disclosure (cont.)
This section contains statements about the person disclosing their mental health problem in the workplace.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.

Note: The following items relate to how the person’s MANAGER would approach disclosure issues.
145. The MANAGER should be aware of the legal, ethical and practical issues related to a person disclosing mental health problems.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
146. The MANAGER should discuss with the person whether there is any information that coworkers need to be given about the person's mental health problems.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
147. The MANAGER should discuss with the person what information they would like their coworkers to be given about the person's mental health problems.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
148. Should the person not wish to disclose their mental health problems to coworkers, the MANAGER should:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Discuss with the person what adjustments are possible without making staff aware that the person has mental health problems
Try to prevent coworker perception of 'special treatment' by disseminating policies on employee adjustments.
149. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 10: Substance use problems and intoxication
This section is about helping the person who has a substance use problem or is intoxicated in the workplace.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.
150. If the person uses substances outside of work hours, the helper should only approach the person about this if it impacts on the person's work performance.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
151. If the person uses substances outside of work hours and this does not affect the person's work performance, the helper should still approach the person to let them know that they are concerned about their health.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
152. If the person's substance use is putting coworkers at risk of harm, the helper should report this to a manager.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
153. If all other attempts to help the person who is misusing substances fail, the helper should consider organising a team meeting to confront the person.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
154. If the team is considering confronting the person, the helper should consider engaging a trained specialist to assist with this process.
Don’t know/Depends
Should not be included
155. If the person appears to be affected by drugs or alcohol while at work, the helper should:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Ensure that the person does not pose a health and safety risk to themselves or others
Escort the person to a private area
Call in a more senior coworker to serve as a witness if possible
Inform the person of their concerns
Ask the person for any explanation for their behaviour, e.g. side-effects of a medication
Arrange for the person to be escorted home safely
Notify the police if the person insists on driving home.
156. The helper should not:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Cover for the person who is affected by alcohol or other drugs e.g. carrying out the person's work tasks for them
Ignore the person's inappropriate substance use while at work.
157. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
Section 10: Substance use problems and intoxication (cont.)
This section is about helping the person who has a substance use problem or is intoxicated in the workplace.

There are already guidelines to help people who may be experiencing a range of mental health problems (click here to access these guidelines). We do not wish to replicate existing MHFA guidelines. Rather, our aim is to develop guidelines on how to tailor mental health first aid for a person assisting a co-worker who is experiencing mental health problem in the workplace.

Please rate how important (from ‘essential’ to ‘should not be included’) you think it is that each statement be included in the guidelines.

Please keep the definitions in mind when answering the questions.

Note: The following items relate to actions the person’s MANAGER would carry out.
158. When approaching the person who has a substance use problem, the MANAGER should:
Essential Important Don’t know/Depends Unimportant Should not be included
Explain the effects that their substance use could have on coworkers and the workplace
Point out the possible workplace consequences for the person, e.g. loss of job.
159. Do you have any additional statements that you would like to add in this section? Please write your suggestions in the box provided.
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