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Questions marked with an * are required Exit Survey
* Do you, or does any member of your household, work for any of the following?
An advertising agency or PR firm
A company in the TV, radio, or movie industry
A marketing firm or department
A market research firm
A newspaper
A company that manufactures, distributes, or sells toys
A restaurant
None of the above

* Are you…?
* Are you the parent of any children who currently live in your household?
* How old is/are the children who live in your household?
Boy(s) 0-11 months old
Boy(s) 1 year old
Boy(s) 2 years old
Boy(s) 3 years old
Boy(s) 4 years old
Boy(s) 5 years old
Boy(s) 6 years old
Boy(s) 7 years old
Boy(s) 8 years old
Boy(s) 9 years old
Boy(s) 10 years old
Boy(s) 11 years old
Boy(s) 12 years old
Boy(s) 13 or older
Girl(s) 0-11 months old
Girl(s) 1 year old
Girl(s) 2 years old
Girl(s) 3 years old
Girl(s) 4 years old
Girl(s) 5 years old
Girl(s) 6 years old
Girl(s) 7 years old
Girl(s) 8 years old
Girl(s) 9 years old
Girl(s) 10 years old
Girl(s) 11 years old
Girl(s) 12 years old
Girl(s) 13 or older

* How old are you?
* Which of the following categories best describes your ethnicity?
African American/Black
Pacific Islander
Today we have a few questions about priorities for your 2-7 year old child/children. Please advance to the next page when you are ready to begin.
Thinking about your child’s future, how important is it for your child to learn and be good at...

Very ImportantNot Very Important
* Social Skills
* Math
* Geography
* Visual Arts
* Sports
* Money Management
* Performing Arts
* Musical Instrument
* Writing
* Foreign Language
* History / Social Studies
* Science (Biology, Chemistry, etc.)
* Coding / Computer Programming
* Spelling
* Reading
* Please consider all of the skills below, and rank them from "1 -- MOST IMPORTANT" to "15 -- LEAST IMPORTANT" in terms of how important they are for your child to learn and be good at in the future.
Science (Biology, Chemistry, etc.)
Visual Arts
Coding / Computer Programming
Musical Instrument
Performing Arts
History / Social Studies
Foreign Language
Money Management
Social Skills
* How does your family watch TV shows and movies at home? Please check all that apply.
Regular TV
Cable / Satellite
Amazon Prime

* How old are you?
* What is the highest level of education you have achieved?
High School
Some college
College graduate
Graduate school
* What is your annual household income?
$50,000 – 75,999
$76,000 – 100,999
$101,000- 125,999
$126,000 – 149,999