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Online Image Search & Mobile Phone Research

You are invited to participate in our survey on the potential application of novel image retrieval technologies for use in our market research project at Cambridge University Business School (

In this survey you will be asked to complete a questionnaire that asks questions about your current use of Online Search Image Search facilities (e.g. Google or Yahoo Image Search) and your view on the potential for Image Search on Mobile Phones.

It will take approximately 5 minutes to complete the questionnaire. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be stricly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate.
If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Sean Moran by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.

Have you used Google (or Yahoo etc) Image Search?
Briefly explain why not (e.g. never heard of it)?

What do you typically use Online Image search for?
Academic (e.g. project, presentation)
Professional (e.g. as part of paid work)
Other, please specify


Are your typical IMAGE search queries broad or precise?
Precise (e.g (scotch OR bourbon) AND NOT (beer OR wine))
Broad (e.g. scotch bourbon)
Please give an example of a typical image search query you would use (e.g. lake district)

How much time does it typically take to find a specific image that meets your exact requirements?
0-1 Minutes
1-5 Minutes
5-30 Minutes
30-60 Minutes
60+ Minutes

Have you encountered any problems when using Google (or other) Image Search?

What type of problems have you encountered when using Google (or other) Image Search?
Irrelevant results often retrieved
Hard to formulate effective queries
Non-user friendly interface
Other, please specify


At the present time there are two main image search techniques:

(1) Search based on Image Label - This technique retrieves relevant results based on the label/caption that is manually added to images. These labels or captions attempt to describe the salient features of the image. However there is no guarantee that the caption will describe the image content. This technique is used by all major Online Image Search Portals (e.g. Google, Yahoo).

(2) Search Based on Image Content - Rather than simply relying on the image label or name to find relevant results, the technology analyzes actual image content in order to detect the presence of real-world objects (e.g. people, grass, clouds) and properties (e.g. texture, shape, colour) in images.
These objects and properties can then be used in search queries to specify the characteristics of the desired images. For example a possible query could be:

"some water in the bottom half which is surrounded by trees and grass, size at least 10%".

Given this, how important do you think the following aspects are when using an image retrieval system?

(Please note that in this question precision refers to the percentage of all relevant documents selected. Recall refers to the percentage of documents selected that are relevant.)
Not at all important Not very important Somewhat important Very important Extremely important
Search recall (at the expense of precision)
Speed of search (possibly at the expense of reduced accuracy)
Search precision (at the expense of recall)
Search based on image content as opposed to an image label or caption
Accuracy of image content specification (e.g. 10% grass, 40% sky, water in bottom half of image only, people in center....etc)

The Online Search Portal Section of the Survey has ended. The following section will ask for your views on the use of camera mobile phones and how you would value the potential to search for images using a mobile phone.

Do you have a camera phone?

How many photos do you take per week using your camera phone?
Briefly describe the nature of the photos (e.g. friends, nature, work).

By Christmas 2005 it is predicted that the standard resolution on Camera phones will be 1+ Megapixels, with similar functionality to Digital Cameras.

Given this, would you value the capability to upload/download photos from/to your mobile phone from/to an online server (i.e. effectively an online photo album)?
If No, why Not?

When using an online photo album would you value the capacity to search for your images?
If No, Why Not?

An image content based search could automatically label the images based on detected objects in the photos (e.g. people, water, setting)

Would you value the time saved from having to manually annotate the images (i.e. adding a meaningful label to the image e.g. winter_scene.JPEG)?
If No, why Not?
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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