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Post-Secondary Education Choices
Post-Secondary Education Choices
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Consent Form
I, Kristen Payne, am a graduate student in the Faculty of Education at the University of Ottawa. I am enrolled in a course on Research Methods in Education (EDU 5190) and am conducting a small research project as part of the requirements for the course. My particular focus in this project is to investigate the number of students aged 20 to 29 who left Windsor, ON to pursue post-secondary education elsewhere in Canada or a different country and why they chose to do so. Leaving one’s hometown to pursue educational aspirations has seemed to become common in recent years. I am specifically interested in the reasons why students chose to pursue post-secondary education elsewhere.
Participants in this study include students from Windsor, ON who are 20 to 29 years old and have completed some type of post-secondary education. If you agree to participate in this project, you will be asked to answer a questionnaire containing 10 questions related to your demographics and education. To complete the questionnaire will take approximately 5 minutes. The questionnaires are anonymous an no name identification is required. You will only be required to do this once.
Your participation in the research is entirely voluntary and you are free to withdraw at any time. This means that even though you agree initially and have begun to fill out the questionnaire, if you do not want to complete it, you are free to withdraw. You may ask questions of the researcher at any time and you may refuse to answer any of the questions on the questionnaire without any negative consequences.
Your participation in this research is greatly appreciated, and it is meant to be an interesting experience. The results of this study will be presented to my colleagues in class EDU 5190. If you wish to find out the results of the questionnaires, you may contact me at
[email protected]
. All data will be destroyed one year following the completion of the course.
Any inquiries about the research study should be addressed to Dr. Jess Whitley. Any information requests or complaints about the ethical conduct of the project can be addressed to the Protocol Officer of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Ethics Board at the University of Ottawa, (613) 562-5387.
If you are interested in participating, please read and check the Acceptance box below.
Informed Consent
I have read the letter describing the research project. I understand the purpose of the study and what is required of me, and I agree to participate. I have been assured that my participation is voluntary and that my identity will remain confidential. I agree to participate, and I am aware that I am free to withdraw from the study at any time without any negative consequence.
I am aware they any inquiries about the research study should be addressed to the University of Ottawa course Professor: Dr. Jess Whitley, (613) 562-5800 ext. 4963 or
[email protected]
I am aware that any concerns about the ethical conduct of this project may be addressed to the Protocol Officer of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Ethics Board at the University of Ottawa, (613) 562-5387.
I Agree
How old are you?
Under 19
Where were you born?
Windsor, ON
Elsewhere in Ontario
Elsewhere in Canada
Outside of Canada
Did you complete post-secondary education?
Did you attend college, university, or another type of post-secondary institution?
What was your program of study during your undergraduate studies?
Arts & Humanities
Where did you complete your undergraduate studies?
Windsor, ON
London, ON
Toronto, ON & Greater Toronto Area
Ottawa, ON
Kingston, ON
Northern Ontario
A different province or territory
United States of America
Why did you choose the institution you attended?
Program of choice
Preferred city
Close to Friends/Partner/Family
Work Options
Did you enjoy your post-secondary education experience?
Where do you currently reside?
Windsor, ON
Elsewhere in Ontario
Elsewhere in Canada
United States of America