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Considering your complete experience with our company, how likely would you be to recommend our products to a friend or colleague?
«Very UnlikelyVery Likely»
Enter a valid zip code
At what price would you consider the Product
$1000 - $12000 $1200 - $15000 $1500 - $25000 $2500 - $35000 $3500 - $50000
At what price is the product too expensive to consider? (Too Expensive)
At what price is the product so cheap that the product quality is questionable? (Too Inexpensive)
At what price does the product begin to seem too expensive? (Expensive)
At what price is the product a bargain? (Inexpensive)
For each transportation category in the table below, please indicate what percentage, if any, of the need you would fund
Total Needed
Cost to
Fund 100%
Preservation and maintenance of existing transport system
1000.0 10
Adding new lanes and expanding road and bridge capacity
2000.0 20
Increasing transit service and expanding passenger and freight rail
3000.0 30
Making bike and sidewalk improvements
4000.0 40
Replacing obsolete ferries and improving ferry terminals
5000.0 50
Please select an option from the drop down menu below. After selecting an option, another drop down list will be displayed below. Select an appropriate option from that list as well.
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If you were to buy a TV, select the most likely feature set you would go with:
Brand Vizio Vizio
PriceUSD 1,200.00USD 1,500.00
Paso 1 de 1
For each of the questions below, please choose your most and least preferred option
American Express
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How much time does it take you to shop for groceries?
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Base $
Bonus/Commission $
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