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Program and OBU Assessment
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Thank you for your willingness to take this short survey. The purpose of the survey is for OBU to discover ways to improve the Intensive English Program (IEP). Specifically, we want to know if the IEP is meeting the needs of its students. Thus, many of the questions will ask you about your experiences and needs before and during your enrollment in OBUs IEP.
However, we want to assure you that your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project.
Consequently, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Keely Robertson, Director/Instructor of Intensive English Program at 405.878.2129 or by email at the email address specified below.Thank you very much for your time and support.
Please start with the survey now by clicking on the I Agree button below.
I Agree
This section asks about what you needed from an Intensive English Program and what your original plans were before you enrolled in OBUs IEP.
Needs and Plans upon Entering OBUs IEP
How would you describe your English speaking ability immediately before entering the OBU Intensive English Program?
1. Beginner - Little or no English
2. Low Intermediate - Can have a conversation in English, but mistakes will be frequent
3. Mid Intermediate - Can have a conversation in English, but some mistakes will occur.
4. High Intermediate - Can have a conversation in English with few mistakes.
5. Advanced - I speak conversational English with little or no mistakes.
When you first enrolled in OBU's Intensive English Program, how many 7-week semesters did you plan to take?
6 or more
What level of English do you expect to reach upon completing your desired number of semesters?
1. Beginner - Little or no English
2. Low Intermediate - Can have a conversation in English, but mistakes will be frequent
3. Mid Intermediate - Can have a conversation in English, but some mistakes will occur.
4. High Intermediate - Can have a conversation in English with few mistakes.
5. Advanced - I speak conversational English with little or no mistakes.
When you first enrolled in OBU's IEP, what was your plan? (select all that apply)
1. To stay in OBU's IEP until I return to my home country.
2. To eventually enroll in OBU as an undergraduate or graduate student.
3. To eventually enroll at another university as an undergraduate or graduate student.
4. To take a portion of OBU's IEP, but then transfer to another IEP at a different university.
5. Did not have a specific plan in mind.
Students from outside the United States often have various needs upon entering the country and starting school. From the list below, please select those items that you believe OBU should help you obtain. (select all that apply)
1. Employment (Full-time)
2. Employment (Part-time)
3. Housing
4. Computer/laptop
5. Cell phone/phone service
6. Bank account/checkbook
7. Other (please list)
Before starting OBU's IEP, what level of interaction with native English speakers were you looking for?
1. None - I wanted to spend time with others who spoke my native language.
2. Minimal - I wanted to occasionally interact with native English speakers.
3. Moderate - I wanted several opportunities to interact with native English speakers.
4. Significant - I wanted to have frequent, daily interactions with native English speakers.
5. Other (please describe)
Before starting OBU's IEP, how many hours a day did you expect to be in classes?
8 or more
I did not know what to expect.
Based on the information you had before starting OBUs IEP, please indicate how much you agree with the following statements.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
OBU has a good reputation.
I was well informed about the requirements of OBUs IEP.
I had difficulty obtaining my visa.
I had sufficient information about transportation from the airport to Shawnee.
OBU gave me the assistance I needed in getting a job.
I was informed of the campus social environment before arriving at OBU.
OBU provided me with sufficient information regarding the documentation needed to enter the United States.
Financial aid opportunities were explained to me in a sufficient manner.
I was provided adequate information regarding my housing options.
The following section of the survey asks you to evaluate your experience as a student in OBUs IEP.
Evaluation of Experiences at OBUs IEP
Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements regarding your educational experiences.
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
The quality of instruction in my courses was satisfactory.
Professors provided adequate feedback regarding my level of performance.
My English proficiency improved as desired.
The objectives of the courses were clear.
The grading scale for the courses was fair.
I felt like I had to study too much for most classes.
I had sufficient computer access for my academic needs.
I had sufficient computer access for my personal needs.
OBUs Intensive English Program was not hard enough for me.
This program has prepared me for my immediate future goals.
I had sufficient opportunity to practice English outside of class.
OBUs IEP provided me with sufficient opportunity to experience American culture.