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Questionnaire Items for D2D
Questionnaire Items for D2D
Perceived Usefulness of FOGGING in aiding:
Extremely Likely
Quite Likely
Slightly Likely
Slightly Unlikely
Quite Unlikely
Extremely Unlikely
Using FOGGING in my task would enable me to identify targets more quickly.
Using FOGGING would improve my task performance.
Using FOGGING in my task would increase my productivity.
Using FOGGING would enhance my effectiveness on the task.
Using FOGGING would make it easier to do my task.
I would find FOGGING useful in my task.
Perceived Ease of Use of FOGGING in aiding:
Extremely Likely
Quite Likely
Slightly Likely
Slightly Unlikely
Quite Unlikely
Learning to operate FOGGING would be easy for me.
I would find it easy to get FOGGING to do what I want it to do.
My interaction with FOGGING would be clear and understandable.
I would find FOGGING to be flexible to interact with.
It would be easy for me to become skillful at using FOGGING.
I would find FOGGING easy to use.
Perceived Usefulness of SPOTLIGHTLING in aiding:
Extremely Likely
Quite Likely
Slightly Likely
Slightly Unlikely
Quite Unlikely
Using SPOTLIGHTLING in my task would enable me to identify targets more quickly.
Using SPOTLIGHTLING would improve my task performance.
Using SPOTLIGHTLING in my task would increase my productivity.
Using SPOTLIGHTLING would enhance my effectiveness on the task.
Using SPOTLIGHTLING would make it easier to do my task.
I would find SPOTLIGHTLING useful in my task.
Perceived Ease of Use of SPOTLIGHTLING in aiding:
Extremely Likely
Quite Likely
Slightly Likely
Slightly Unlikely
Quite Unlikely
Learning to operate SPOTLIGHTLING would be easy for me.
I would find it easy to get SPOTLIGHTLING to do what I want it to do.
My interaction with SPOTLIGHTLING would be clear and understandable.
I would find SPOTLIGHTLING to be flexible to interact with.
It would be easy for me to become skillful at using SPOTLIGHTLING.
I would find SPOTLIGHTLING easy to use.
Perceived Usefulness of AUTO PAIRINGS (with SAR image pop-ups) in aiding:
Extremely Likely
Quite Likely
Slightly Likely
Slightly Unlikely
Quite Unlikely
Using AUTO PAIRINGS in my task would enable me to identify targets more quickly.
Using AUTO PAIRINGS would improve my task performance.
Using AUTO PAIRINGS in my task would increase my productivity.
Using AUTO PAIRINGS would enhance my effectiveness on the task.
Using AUTO PAIRINGS would make it easier to do my task.
I would find AUTO PAIRINGS useful in my task.
Perceived Ease of Use of AUTO PAIRINGS (with SAR image pop-ups) in aiding:
Extremely Likely
Quite Likely
Slightly Likely
Slightly Unlikely
Quite Unlikely
Learning to operate AUTO PAIRINGS would be easy for me.
I would find it easy to get AUTO PAIRINGS to do what I want it to do.
My interaction with AUTO PAIRINGS would be clear and understandable.
I would find AUTO PAIRINGS to be flexible to interact with.
It would be easy for me to become skillful at using AUTO PAIRINGS.
I would find AUTO PAIRINGS easy to use.
If you created your own aiding suite of tools which would you include from the list (Select all that apply)?
Auto Pairing (with SAR image pop-ups and signal tones)
Please answer the following to the best of your ability when you were in the OPERATOR SELECTED AIDING:
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Mildly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Mildly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I liked the control I had in turning aiding on.
I turned the aiding on when I felt overloaded in the task.
I liked the control I had in turning aiding off.
I turned the aiding on when I felt stressed in the task.
Controlling aiding was not pleasant to me.
Please answer the following to the best of your ability when you were in the COMPUTER SELECTED AIDING:
Strongly Agree
Moderately Agree
Mildly Agree
Neither agree nor disagree
Mildly Disagree
Moderately Disagree
Strongly Disagree
I liked the pop-up aiding turning on for me.
The aiding turned on for me when I felt overloaded in the task.
I liked the pop-up aiding turning off for me.
The aiding turned on for me when I felt stressed in the task.
Not controlling aiding was pleasant for me.
Which did you prefer during the task?
Operator controlled aiding
Computer controlled aiding
Please contact
[email protected]
if you have any questions regarding this survey.