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You are invited to participate in our survey [Project Description Here]. In this survey, approximately [Approximate Respondents] people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about [General Survey Process]. It will take approximately [Approximate Time] minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact [Name of Survey Researcher] at [Phone Number] or by email at the email address specified below.

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The items on this form concern the kind of friend your friend is to you. Imagine that the blank space in each item contains your friend’s name. With him or her in mind, decide how often the item applies. Select how often your friend is or does what the item says. There are no right or wrong answers because adult friendships are very different from one another. Just describe your friend as he or she really is to you.
 _____ helps me when I need it.
Once in a While
Fairly Often
The items on this form concern the kind of friend your friend is to you. Imagine that the blank space in each item contains your friend’s name. With him or her in mind, decide how often the item applies. Select how often your friend is or does what the item says. There are no right or wrong answers because adult friendships are very different from one another. Just describe your friend as he or she really is to you.
 _____ would make me feel comfortable in a new situation.
Once in a While
Fairly Often
The items on this form concern the kind of friend your friend is to you. Imagine that the blank space in each item contains your friend’s name. With him or her in mind, decide how often the item applies. Select how often your friend is or does what the item says. There are no right or wrong answers because adult friendships are very different from one another. Just describe your friend as he or she really is to you.
_____ would make me feel comfortable in a new situation.
Once in a While
Fairly Often
The items on this form concern the kind of friend your friend is to you. Imagine that the blank space in each item contains your friend’s name. With him or her in mind, decide how often the item applies. Select how often your friend is or does what the item says. There are no right or wrong answers because adult friendships are very different from one another. Just describe your friend as he or she really is to you.
_____ has good ideas about entertaining things to do.
Once in a While
Fairly Often
The items on this form concern the kind of friend your friend is to you. Imagine that the blank space in each item contains your friend’s name. With him or her in mind, decide how often the item applies. Select how often your friend is or does what the item says. There are no right or wrong answers because adult friendships are very different from one another. Just describe your friend as he or she really is to you.
_____ would want to stay my friend if we didn’t see each other for a few months.
Once in a While
Fairly Often
Age (in years)
What is your race?
African American
Native American
Asian American
Prefer Not to answer
What is your gender?
Prefer Not to Say
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