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Does your organization use open recruitment methods meaning anyone can apply for the opening? Or targeted recruitment methods where recruitment is geared towards identifying qualified applicants?
___targeted ___open

Are recruitment efforts centralized and coordinated through HR or decentralized and coordinated by business unit?
decentralized centralized

does your company plan for HR recruiting? If so, how frequently?
annually every couple of years never biannually

How much does your company spend annually or advertising costs (ie websites, newspaper ads)
$11-15K $21K $16-20K $5-10k

Which methods are used to advertise vacancies internally? Check all that apply.
Internal Job Posting System
Employee Referrals
In-house temporary pools


Which methods are used to advertise vacancies externally? Check all that apply
Employee Referrals
Newspaper ads
internet job boards
company website
college recruitment
employment agencies
executive search firms
state employment services
job fairs


Overall effectiveness of internal sources. 1=not effective 2=effective, 3=most effective, 4= not effective
internal job posting system
employee referrals
in-house temporary pools

Overall effectiveness of external sources 1=not effective, 2=effective, 3=most effective, 4=not applicable
employee referrals
newspaper ads
internet job boards
company's website
college recruitment
employment agencies
executive search firms
employment agencies
state employment services
job fairs
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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