Dear Sir / Madam,
We, the students of ICFAI Business School, Hyderabad are currently conducting Management Research Project. The subject is on “retention in the IT & ITES sector”. One of the most important challenges facing HR professionals today is retaining valuable employees. The goal of our research is to identify the perception of employees regarding retention strategies that are currently followed in IT & ITES sector and their satisfaction level with respect to the strategies which holds them to stay with the organization.
Your response is of great importance as this survey forms a part of the study mentioned above. We therefore value your co-operation very highly.
Your answers will be treated in strict confidence and will only be used for academic purposes.

Name of the Organization
Position in the Organization

Male Female

Entry level Middle level Senior level
Level of management

Less than a year 1-2 years 2-4 years 4 years or more
For how long have you been employed in this organization? Please tick the appropriate option.
According to your perception, please order the following factors which have been the reason why you have continued in your current job , from 1 to 9 (1 being the most important and so on).
Employee Benefitslike (Transportation facility, gym, library, rest room, 24/7 Cafeteria, Locker Rooms, sports etc.)
Job support and empowerment
Training and development & career(how the organization addresses the changing job needs and clearly chalks out your career in the organization)
growth opportunities
Support /relationship with your superOrganization culture and Policies iors and colleagues
Job characteristics (Nature of work done)
Company’s image in the market
Work life - Personal life balance
Are there any other positive factors that have motivated you to remain in your current job?
Please tick the appropriate option with respect to your satisfaction level with Compensation issues of your organization.
Very Dissatisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Neutral Somewhat Satisfied Very Satisfied N/A
Competitive Pay structures
Matching Pay to Performance
Matching Pay to Competencies
Non Monetary Benefits & Rewards
Stock option plans
What areas of compensation do you think the organization should pay more attention to?
Your satisfaction level with respect to employee benefits of your organization. (Select your option)
Highly Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Highly Satisfied N/A
Leaves of absence
Sports & Health care benefits
Retirement benefits
Transportation Facilities
Recognition & Rewards for acquiring Higher Education
Encouraging employees to use free access to Infrastructure
Membership of Professional Bodies
Flexibility of work & attendance
Attending to employees daily chores
Your satisfaction level with respect to Training and development & career growth opportunities provided by your organization. (Select your option)
Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
There are opportunities available for me to develop new skills.
I have the opportunity for career development within Company.
I am encouraged to take the initiative in determining my own career development.
Supervisor’s efforts to identify your strengths and weaknesses
Recognition of performance by senior management.
Professional learning and growth opportunities
Adequate information on promotion is provided
Your satisfaction level with respect to your support /relationship with your superiors and colleagues in your organization. (Select your option)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
My supervisor is knowledgeable about my work
My supervisor takes time to listen to me
My supervisor gives me fair reviews
My supervisor has reasonable expectations of my work
My supervisor provides feed back about my performance
My supervisor makes sure I have sufficient training
Relationship with colleagues motivates me to stay in the organization
I feel valued as a team member.
Your satisfaction level with respect to organization culture and Policies of your organization. (Select your option)
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Management believes that employees are the most important asset of our firm.
Employees are constantly watched to assure that rules and procedures are followed
Employees share a pride in their work.
This organization has a code of professional conduct that employees are expected to follow.
Management encourages creativity, innovation, and continuous improvement
Management provides with good working conditions and infrastructure
Employees feel secure about their jobs at this company
I am satisfied with my involvement in decisions that affect my work.
Salary Reviews
I receive encouragement to come up with new a better ways of doing things.
Your satisfaction level with respect to Job characteristics of your organization. (Select your option)
Very Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied
Skill variety
The work I do enhances organizational productivity
Challenging Work Assignments
The work I do make a difference here
Proper Feedback on Results achieved
Job Autonomy
Job Rotation
Accuracy of Job Description

To a Great extent To Some extent Can’t say Not at all
Are you able to balance your professional and personal life?

Definitely probably Not sure Definitely not
Would you refer a friend / Relatives to apply for a job at this organization?

Very much motivated Somewhat motivated Not very much motivated Not at all motivated
How motivated are you to see the organization succeed?

Very much inflexible Somewhat inflexible Somewhat flexible Very flexible
How flexible is the organization with respect to your family responsibilities?

One year Two years Three years Four Years or more.
For how long, do you think you will continue to work in your current organization?
What are the factors that would compel you to quit your current job?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.