Tell us how well the following statements apply to your immediate boss/superior.
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
My team lead is knowledgeable about my work
My team lead takes time to listen to me
My team lead has reasonable expectations of my work
My team lead has given me too much work
What does your team lead do to keep your moral high and what can he do better?
What suggestions do you have for your team lead that would help him be a more effective leader?
If you have ever offered non-technical suggestions your team lead, how satisfied were you with the response?
Never offered a suggestion
Not at all satisfied
Not very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
If you have ever offered technical suggestions your team lead, how satisfied were you with the response?
Never offered a suggestion
Not at all satisfied
Not very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Very satisfied
How well do you believe your team lead lives by your company's ethic?
Extremely well
Very well
Sometimes does, sometimes doesn't
Not very well
Doesn't abide by own philosophy at all
How happy are you in your current position?
Most of the time
Not at all
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.