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Additional Comments/Suggestions for improvement
Table Name
This is my first year
2 years
3 years
4 + years

If you were unable to attend all of the meetings, what were some of the reasons?
My kid(s) were sick
I never missed!
Conflicted with other meetings or appointments
Too hard to make it on time
Didn’t find the speaker topics appealing

What was your favorite meeting this year?
Are we teaching our children to lie?
Let’s get to know each other
Accomplish something day!
Growing your family nutritionally
Please check all that apply
Which topics did you find most helpful and relevant? Please choose from list above
Accomplish something day!
Are we teaching our children to lie?
Growing your family nutritionally
Let’s get to know each other
What types of topics would you suggest for future meetings?

Yes No
Has MOPS helped you grow or change spiritually in a particular way?
If yes, please describe

* What was your overall opinion of your Discussion Group?
I loved my group and felt comfortable sharing
I was able to share my opinion but I didn’t connect well with my table
When I tried to share my opinion, my ideas were ignored or criticized
I seldom got a chance to talk at all
There was not enough time to really get into discussion

Yes No
Did you receive a reminder call/email from your discussion group leader prior to meetings?
Did you find those reminders helpful?
Did you participate in any of the MOPS activities organized by your table or Steering (playdates, swimming, Dayton’s 8th floor, Gift-making night, etc)?
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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