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Name of your company
Year that the company first invested in the UK

How many employees do you have in the UK?
Less than 50
Above 100

What is your company's form of investment in the UK?
Majority of joint venture (shares between 51%-95%)
Wholly owned subsidiary (shares > 95%)
Minority of joint venture (shares between 30%-50%)

Reasons that the company chose the above investment type (tick all relevant)
Parent company policies
To share the risks
Financial needs
To obtain local knowledge
To protect technical knowledge

Sources of finance for UK investment (tick all relevant)
Finance from Taiwan
UK equity
UK loan
International capital market

Section B: Determinants of investment in the U.K

Not important Neutral Extremely important
Low political risk of the UK

Not important Average Extremely important
Economic stability of the UK
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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