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We just came back from ReadTreat. We drove an hour and a half further than last year. We did not have beach front, however, we missed the storm and had nice weather. These factors have opened the opportunities we have for ReadTreat and I was curious on what the group wants to see for next year. Please participate even if you don't know if you're going in 2007. I will keep your answers confidential, but will share the survey results as a whole with the group. Pam
Which Month would you prefer to consider Readtreat

* Which location would be best for 2007 Readtreat?
Nags Head
Your House
Caribbean Villa

How many nights is good for readtreat?
a week

What is the price you would not want to exceed for Readtreat
$90 for two nights (2006 rate) +food
$150 for two nights +food
$200 for two nights +food
$0 for two nights in a cell

Which sounds best for Saturday dinner?
Go out to restaurant -drive
Order in
Cook in
Go out to restaturant we can walk to

How important is having your own room?
Very Important to have own room
Would prefer, but not necessary
Makes no difference either way
If I have to share, I'll murder someone

If you wish to have your own room, would you pay extra for the privledge?
Yes - I would pay extra
No - I'm willing to lottery for my own

What is most important in lodging on Retreat?
Best Views within our budget
More bedrooms -views don't matter
Hot tubs and Bar
Location wherever young hotties are

How far a distance would you drive for Readtreat
One Hour
Two Hours
Three and a half Hours
Up to Six Hours
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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