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You are invited to participate in our survey [Project Description Here]. In this survey, approximately [Approximate Respondents] people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about [General Survey Process]. It will take approximately [Approximate Time] minutes to complete the questionnaire.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.

Your survey responses will be stricly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact [Name of Survey Researcher] at [Phone Number] or by email at the email address specified below.

Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.


Non-supervisory staff Supervisor Functional manager Department manager Senior Management/Director/Vice President Senior Executive/Chief Officer/Executive Vice President Other
What best describes your job position?

Non-supervisory staff Supervisor Functional manager Department manager Senior Management/Director/Vice President Senior Executive/Chief Officer/Executive Vice President Other
What best describes your job position?

Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly agree
The amount of work that I am asked to do is reasonable.
The requirements in my job description are clear.
My job allows me to use my strengths and skills.
I find my job interesting and enjoyable.
My job has enough variety for me.
I have the appropriate training to do my job well.
I am able to make decisions on my own when needed.

Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree
My supervisor cares about me and responds to the issues that are important to me.
My supervisor is available to help me and answer my questions.
I receive recognition from my supervisor for my work.
My supervisor gives me useful informal and formal feedback.
My supervisor conducts fair performance reviews.

Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree
Management works to resolve workplace disputes in a fair and quick manner.
Employees are encouraged to be creative and to seek ways to improve.
Management accepts a wide range of views.
When I give an idea to management, I am happy with their response.

How do you receive most of your information about what is going on in the Medicine Shoppe? Rank your top three sources.
From coworkers
Bulletin board
My supervisor
Staff meetings
Company newsletter
Company Intranet
Company email
Voice mail announcements
Other sources for receiving information


How would you like to receive most of your information about what is going on with the Medicine Shoppe? Rank your top three sources.
From coworkers
Bulletin board
My supervisor
Staff meetings
Company newsletter
Company Intranet
Company email
Voice mail announcements
Other preferred sources for receiving information


Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree
The goals and strategies of the Medicine Shoppe are clear to me.

Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree
My job with the Medicine Shoppe is secure.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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