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Hi Everyone,
On behalf of the
Social Committee
for the CCMB Pharmacy Department, we would like to invite you to participate in our first survey. This survey should take
no more than 5-10 minutes
of your time and the results will be extremely valuable and beneficial to guiding our Social Committee Planning for the next year. In this survey, we are asking everyone in the department to provide us answers to a number of questions related to various social events in the past and future. In order for us to make these events as successful and fun for everyone as possible, we want to hear from you!
We plan to use the results of this survey to help guide planning for various events like the Christmas Party, birthday celebrations, and other department events. Since these events are for you, it is very important for us to learn your opinions. The more answers we receive, the more information we have to go on. We will do our best to make future decisions based on the opinions received in this survey.
Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary. If you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential as it is anonymously collected on the survey website.
Please complete the survey by
Friday, October 19
so that we may start using the results as soon as possible.
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
In the past, the department has collected for the Social Fund, which was a voluntary annual fee of $36 per person. The contribution helped to
partially fund
the celebration of significant events for staff members. Primarily, this fund has paid for
personal cards and cakes for birthday celebrations
This fund is now depleted
for 2007 and is no longer sustaining the needs of our growing department. We would like to know whether to continue this current practice or try something different.
For 2008, which option best reflects your preference:
I would provide an annual contribution to maintain the social fund (amount to be determined by the Social Committee based on projected budget)
I would prefer to “pay as I go” – i.e. contribute to individual events and collections
I am not interested in contributing - I would opt out of the social fund
As the department has grown significantly over the past few years, the number of special events for staff have also increased. Would you be in favour of celebrating birthdays on a monthly basis instead of individually? (For example, the last Friday of the month could be "Goodie Day" where treats are brought in by volunteers to celebrate the monthly birthdays)
Yes, I like the idea of a monthly birthday celebration and would be willing to contribute baking
No, I like the current system and would be willing to sign up to bring in a cake
No, I think we should no longer celebrate birthdays
The Annual Christmas Party is the department’s biggest social event of the year. Which of the following formats would you prefer for 2007? (may select more than one option):
Weekday evening dinner at a restaurant for department staff only (pay for own food and beverage)
Weekday evening potluck at a co-worker's house for department staff only
Weekend evening potluck at a rental hall for department staff AND significant others
Weekend daytime potluck at a rental hall for deparment staff AND families
Any of the above
We are always looking for different ideas for a few events that could be planned throughout the year for the department. Keeping in mind that the social fund would not be able to cover the cost of these events and would be on a "pay as you go" basis, which of the following would you consider attending? (May select more than one answer)
Bingo Bowling Night
Curling Bonspiel
Family Picnic
Karaoke Night
Sleigh Ride
Pub night
Potluck Lunches (at work)
Pizza Lunches (at work)
Any of the above
As the department has grown significantly over the past few years, the number of special events for staff have also increased.
We would like to acknowledge these events as consistently as possible.
What is your preferred format for celebrating staff wedding or baby showers?
Collect for a group gift only
Collect for a group gift; have an afternoon coffee party in the pharmacy conference room
Collect for a group gift; have a dinner out at a restaurant of the honoree's choice (pay for own meal)
Collect for a group gift; have a potluck dinner at a volunteer's house
No longer celebrate these events
Do you have any other comments, concerns, or suggestions for the Social Committee?
Please contact
[email protected]
if you have any questions regarding this survey.