Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a student who is currently undertaking the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business Information System Degree program at University College Sedaya International (UCSI). This questionnaire is part of the research for my final year project dissertation; therefore I need your frank and honest opinion while answering it. The main objective of this research is to discover the impact of the multi-core processors in the IT industry in Malaysia.
This project information is as below:
Researcher’s name: Gan Yow Chuan @ Brian
Student ID: 1000411108
Research title: The Impact of Multi Core Processors in the IT industry
I would appreciate it very much if you could spend some of your time to complete this questionnaire because your knowledge and experience is very much valuable to me.
Thank you for your time and effort.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] should you have any enquiries.
This survey will take less than 5 mins to complete.
Please start with the survey now by clicking on the Continue button below.
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3. Highest Education Level: |
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| 4. What is your occupation? | | |
| 5. Which field is your job or study related to? | | |
6. How much is your monthly income/ allowances? |
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7. How long have you used a PC (desktop or laptop)? |
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8. Which option below best fit your computer knowledge on PC (desktop or laptop) hardware? |
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Part 2: PC Specifications |
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9. What operating system have u got installed on your PC (desktop or laptop)? |
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10. What brand of processor have you got installed on your PC (desktop or laptop)? |
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11. What speed is your current processor running at?
If you have more than one PC (desktop or laptop), please choose according to the fastest one. |
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| 12. Do you know what model of processor(s) are you currently using?
You may choose to skip this question if you do not know the answer.
You may list more than one model.
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13. What is your MAIN purpose of using a PC? |
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14. How much Random Access Memory (RAM) do you have installed on your PC(desktop or laptop)?
If you have more than one PC, please choose according to the PC with the most RAM |
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15. Which Internet connection do you use? |
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Part 3: Multi Core or Dual Core Experiences |
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16. Have u heard (or know) of the multi core or dual core processor technology? |
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17. Are you aware of the benefits of the multi core or dual core processor technology? |
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18. Which benefits of the multi core or dual core processor technology that you are aware of? |
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19. Do you currently own a PC (desktop or laptop) with the multi core or dual core processor technology? |
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20. What benefits are you experiencing from the multi core or dual core processor technology? |
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21. What determined your decision to buy a PC (desktop or laptop) with the multi core or dual core processor technology? |
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22. What are the reasons of not purchasing a multi core or dual core processor technology PC (desktop or laptop)? |
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23. Do you plan to purchase a new PC (desktop or laptop) in the future? |
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24. When do you plan to purchase the new PC? |
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25. How long does it normally take you to purchase a new PC (desktop or laptop)? |
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26. Which type of PC would you purchase in the future? |
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27. Which brand of PC (desktop or laptop) would you purchase in the future? |
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28. Which company’s processor would you purchase in the future? |
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29. Why did u choose the company above? |
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30. Will you purchase a PC (desktop or laptop) with the multi core or dual core processor technology in the future? |
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31. What would determine your future decision to buy a PC (desktop or laptop) with the multi core or dual core processor technology? |
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32. Understanding that a multi core or dual core processor technology computer cost more than its single core sibling, would you purchase a PC (desktop or laptop) with the multi core or dual core processor technology if the price is almost the same? |
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33. When purchasing a PC (desktop or laptop), how much difference (in Ringgit Malaysia) are you willing to pay to get a multi core or dual core processor technology PC rather than a single core processor PC? |
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34. How much are you willing to pay for a PC (desktop or laptop) with the multi core or dual core processor technology? |
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