Todd Cohen: Everyone's in Sales Survey
Todd Cohen: Everyone's in Sales Survey
Todd Cohen: Everyone's in Sales Survey
Exit Survey
Hello! Thank you for attending the Everyone's in Sales event presented by Todd Cohen. The IDEAS Club and Career Development Center are interested in your feedback! In this survey, approximately 50 people will be asked to complete a survey that asks questions about your experience at Tuesday's event. It will take approximately 3 minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this project. However, if you feel uncomfortable answering any questions, you can withdraw from the survey at any point. It is very important for us to learn your opinions.
Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will be reported only in the aggregate. Your information will be coded and will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may contact Andrew Ivankovits at
[email protected]
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please start with the survey now by clicking on the
button below.
Please rate the following items, 1 being the least satisfied and 5 being the most satisfied:
Satisfaction with the presentation
Quality of the food
The room setup and networking space
Time of the event
Ease of check in/registration
Based on this event, is it likely that you would attend a other IDEAS Club event?
Very Unlikely
Very Likely
Please indicate how accurate your experience matches the following statements:
I can answer the question "What do you do?"
I learned the importance of personal value propositions
I can identify individuals in my "virtual sales team"
I learned how to recognize sales opportunities in everyday conversation
I learned how to turn a "no" into a "yes"
I am more comfortable talking about my strengths
I plan to use what I've learned as I look for internships and job opportunities.
How did you hear about the Todd Cohen event (Please select all that apply)?
The Career Development Staff
Members of the IDEAS Club
My Professors
Flyers on Campus
Table tents in the DUC
Mailbox Flyers
Ch 7 TV Slideshow
Heard from a friend/ Word of mouth
Have you ever considered starting your own business?
Did you hear of the IDEAS Club prior to this event?
Prefer not to answer
Would you like to become a member of the IDEAS Club?
Please indicate your major
Please indicate your graduation year:
Please provide us with any additional feedback! Let us know what you enjoyed most or what you think we could improve upon:
Thank you for your time and feedback! On behalf of the Career Development Center and the IDEAS Club, we would like to thank you for coming out and seeing Todd present! We hope you enjoyed the event and hope to see you at future IDEAS and Career Development events!