on scale of 1-5 how do you rate trichotillomania 24/7impulse disorder nationwide ? |
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how long have you been a member of trichotillomania 24/7impulse disorder ? |
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| how do you feel admin deal with your post about trichotillomania and yourself ? | | |
how do you feel with trichotillomania impulse members ? |
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is there some one inparticular you feel more on the page you can confide in , this can be a member or a admin ? |
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| what is the best hair product you have been advised about to use on your hair? | | |
| what is the best pulling barrier you have heard about on trichotillomania 24/7 impulse disorder nationwide | | |
how well do you feel the group is ran ? |
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how helpful do you find the group ? |
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have you met a special trich friend within the group ? |
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how much do you feel admins know about trichotillomania? |
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how many trich groups are you part off are they all helpful ? |
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how well do you feel people are educated about trichotillomania |
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how well has your hair grown since being part of trichotillomania impulse disorder ? |
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do admin always answer you questions and posts?? |
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how do you feel about approaching admin on trichotillomania 24/7impulse disorder ? |
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| how do you feel after you have pulled? | | |
have you heard of hair systems'if so how do you rate them ? |
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do you feel admin can do more to be supportive ? |
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| how do you feel that admin suffer from trichotillomania too? | | |
do admin have a supportive attitude towards you and your hair pulling issues? |
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would you reccomend our trich page to others who have it ? |
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Would you like to setup polls on your website? |
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is there anything admin can change to make the group better ? |
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| if answer to above was yes please state how ? | | |
how do you feel about the creator of trichotillomania being from the UK ? |
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last but not least .........do you feel the page could possibally help you stop pulling in time ???? |
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| if answer was yes to above question please state how it can help you to stop pulling ? | | |
| if answer was no please state why ? | | |
| THANKYOU for taking part in my poll for trichotillomania impulse disorder nationwide .....please leave additional feed back below :) have a nice pull free day/night | | |