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* Have you ever heard of Judson Health Center?
Yes No

* Have you heard of Gouverneur Healthcare Services?
Yes No

What is your preferred language?
English Spanish Chinese Other  

* Do you live in the Soho/Nolita area?
Yes No

* Do you work in or around Soho/Nolita?
Yes No

* What health insurance do you have?
None Medicare Medicaid Private Insurance Other  

How do you choose your healathcare provider?
Family/Friend recommendation Convenience to home Found name through my insurance Convenience to my work Other  

* How often do you go to the doctor?
Once per year 2-5 times per year 5-10 times per year 10+ times per year
* Have you ever visited Judson Health Center?
Overall, how would you rate Judson?
Not Sure
How satisfied are you with your service from Judson?
Extremely satisfied
Very satisfied
Very dissatisfied
Extremely dissatisfied
Would you recommend Judson to a friend?
Not Sure
If no, why not?
For your NEXT medical visit, how likely are you to seek out care at Judson Health Center?
Definitely would
Probably would
Might or might not
Probably would not
Definitely would not
What are the THREE main reasons you didn't get health care services from another health center?
What would you change about the process of seeing your healthcare provider (i.e. making the appointment, location, cost, facility appearance etc) at Judson?
Are there any other comments you have for Judson?
Please contact [email protected] or click here if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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