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* Rank the Mode of transaction in the order of your preference
Debit Card
Credit Card

* Which of the following loans have you availed
Car Loan
Personal Loan
Loan for (Fridge /TV/ Washing Machine etc. )
Education Loan
Home Loan


* Which of the following will you prefer
Easy Monthly Installments


* Which of the following do you have
Debit Card Credit Card Both None
Which of the following are the demerits of having a Credit Card.
Very High High Neutral Low Very Low
* Annual Fee
* Over Expenditure
* Security
* Limited Acceptance of Credit Card
* Interest
* Transaction fee

* Which of the following benefits have you availed
Discount on Purchases
Discounted Club Memberships
Free Gifts
Purchase over Internet
Promotional Discounts

Where is your Credit Card most accepted?
Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
* Petrol Pump
* Restaurants
* Shopping Malls
* Cinema Halls
* Travel
* Utility Bills
Rate the following offers according to their attractiveness
Highly Attractive Very Attractive Moderately Attractive Somewhat Attractive Least Attractive
No Annual Fee
Discount on Purchase
Low Interest Rates
Online Transactions
Easy Purchase
Longer Payback Period
* Name
* Age
Sex (M/F)
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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