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Business Employed Professional

If Business
Family Owned Self-Started
Years of Experience:
Tick as applicable
Marital Status
Single Married Married with children

Do you have children / close relatives residing abroad?
Yes No
Tick as many as applicable
Which of the following financial Products / services you have invested in?
Equity Shares
Mutual Funds
Fixed Deposits
Insurance Policies
Government Securities
Post Office Deposits
Others (Please Specify)

Rate the following in terms of the amount of money you have invested on a scale of 1 to 10 ( 1 being the highly invested, 10 the least, 0 is for nil investments)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Fixed Deposits
Mutual funds
Government Securities
Post Office Deposits
Insurance Policies
Equity shares
If NO move to ANNEXURE 1, If YES move to ANNEXURE 2
Do you use Investment Advisory or Portfolio Management Services?
Yes No

ANNEXURE 1( for those who have not availed of investment advisory services, others press continue and move to ANNEXURE 2)
Why havent you availed of Investment Advisory Services?( tick as many as applicable)
Able to manage own finance
Did not come across Investment Consultants
Advisory Services are expensive
Any Other Reason (Please Specify)

Whom do you turn to in need of investment related advice?

Have you ever invested in Mutual funds?
Yes No

If yes, why? (tick as many as applicable)
They are more profitable
They mitigate risks
A number if different scheme are available to choose from
Highly regulated
Professionally managed


If no, why? ( tick as many as applicable)
Risk factor is high
Lack of trust in exertise of companes floating Mutual Funds
Absence of appropriate Investment Advisory


In future, would you be interested in receiving Investment Advisory Services?
Yes No
If yes, how will you decide which company to choose for availing of such services?

If proper advisory services are available, would you think of investing in equity shares/ Mutual funds?
Only Mutual Funds
Only Equity Shares
ANNEXURE 2 ( For those who use investment advisory services)
What would you look in an Investment Consultancy Firm to avail of their service? (Tick as many as possible)
Establised Name/Years of experience in the business
Fast Service
Technology/Electronic Support
Any Other Ecpectation ( Please Specify)

How did you first come to know about Portfolio Management / Investment Advisory Services? (Tick as many as applicable)
Word of Mouth
Company Professionals
Others ( Please Specify)


Have you ever invested in Mutual Funds?
Yes No

If yes, Why?
They are more profitable
They mitigate risks
A number of different schemes are available to choose from
Highly regulated
Professionally managed
Any other reason (Please Specify)


If no, Why?
Risk factor is high
Lack of trust in experties of the companies floating Mutual Funds
Absence of appropriate Investment Advisory
Any other reason (Please Specify)


Have you ever changed your Service Provider?
Yes No
If yes, why? (Please Specify)

Are you satisfied with your current service provider?
Yes No

If proper Financial Advisory Services were available, would you think of investing in Equity Shares/Mutual Funds?
Only Equity Shares
Only Mutual Funds
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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