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Please tell us how the described product would rate on the following attributes.
Not At All Descriptive
3 4 5
Very Descriptive
High quality
A brand I can trust
Well built
A good value

Please read the following description of a new product concept called Suntory Yamazaki Whisky.

Concept Description:
Single Malted Japanese Whisky called Suntory Yamazaki. Made with the most strict quality control and selected ingredients, Suntory Yamazaki is a Whisky that can be drunk along with the food, since it does not lose its flavor despite it is mixed eithwe with water or ice.
Overall, what is your reaction to the described product?
Very Good
What other brands of Whiskey have you tried? (Check all that apply.
I don't like Whisky that much, but I'm familiar with it.
I know nothing about Whisky.

What is it that you like about Suntory Yamazaki Whisky? Please enter as many items as you wish.
What do you like least about Suntory Yamazaki Whiskey?
What would be your main reason for buying the product?
Overall, how interested are you in buying this product if it were available? Please check one.
Not at all Interested
Not Very Interested
Neither Interested nor Uninterested
Somewhat Interested
Very Interested
Based on the description, what price would you expect to pay for the product?
Assuming the new product is priced comparably to other major brands, would you say it is a...
Very poor value
Somewhat poor value
Average value
Fairly good value
Very good value
In what ways does the described product appear to be superior to other whikies?
Overall, what would be your most important factors in choosing a Whisky? Please check three.

Country of Origin
Envelope/Bottle Desing

Step 1 of 2
Price $600 - $700 above $900 $500 - $600 $700 - $900
Quality of ProductAltaAltaBajaBaja
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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