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Are you:
How did you first discover this product was available for purchase?
Advertising - TV, newspaper, magazine, radio
Ad in another (product) - brochure, preview
Friends/Family/Someone told me about it
Read a magazine article/review
Saw it in the store/Browsing in store
Through the mail/mail catalog
What is the one reason you purchased this (product)?
Someone asked for it
Makes a great gift
Own other (products) and wanted more
It is a classic
Good for the whole family
Saw it in the store
I like the (product)
Price/Good value
Primarily, for whom was this product purchased?
Male Female
2 yrs. or younger
3-5 yrs.
6-8 yrs.
9-12 yrs.
13-17 yrs.
18-24 yrs.
25-34 yrs.
35-44 yrs.
45-54 yrs.
55+ yrs.
Your age:
12 yrs. or younger
13-17 yrs.
18-24 yrs.
25-34 yrs.
35-44 yrs.
45-54 yrs.
55-64 yrs.
65+ yrs.
What are the ages of the children in your household? (Check all that apply)
Boys Girls
Under 6 mos.
6-11 mos.
1 yr.
2 yrs.
3 yrs.
4 yrs.
5 yrs.
6 yrs.
7 yrs.
8 yrs.
13-17 yrs.
11 yrs.
12 yrs.
9 yrs.
10 yrs.
What is your annual household income?
Below $20,000
How important are the following product characteristics to you in the selection of ?
Not at all Important Somewhat Unimportant Moderately Important Important Extremely Important
Ease of Installation
Hardware Compatibility
Operating System Compatibility
Consistency with Interface
Application Software Compatibility
Completeness and Organization of Documentation
Clarity of Documentation
Accessibility of Product Support
Quality of Product Support
Value Relative to Cost
Overall Reliability
Overall Performance
How useful are each of the following PRE-INSTALLATION options for your company?
Not Useful Somewhat useful Moderately Useful Useful Extremely Useful
Informative web page to educate executives (i.e., CFO, CIO) concerning product benefits, options, and lingo.
Informative web page to educate network administrators concerning technical information.
Initial informative training for company's network administrators. PRODUCT
Pre-engineering consulting for company specific configurations.
Direct relationship with account manager technician.
Resellers with substantial knowledge of products. COMPANY
How useful are each of the following protocol INSTALLATION options for your company?
Not Useful Somewhat Useful Moderately Useful Useful Extremely Useful
Web page offering technical support.
Web page offering Frequently Asked Questions and solutions.
24-hour phone support for technical assistance.
On-site engineer to assist and teach during installation.
Installation by third party.
Does your company currently use [PRODUCT]?
What other [PRODUCT] PRE/POST INSTALLATION services would benefit your company specifically?
What would you want included in the [PRODUCT] yearly service package?
What would you expect to pay for the [PRODUCT] yearly service package?
Please list previous [PRODUCT CATEGORY] service providers used by your organization.
What is your organization's primary business activity at your location?

Approximately how many people are in your organization?
Less than 100 employees
100-499 employees
500-1000 employees
More than 1000 employees
What is your title?

Thinking back to the Internet retailers you've purchased from, have you ever:
Yes No
Provided feedback of the products or services they sell
Completed a survey for that Internet retailer
Communicated with other users via e-mail or chat rooms
Please check the product or service category you most recently purchased on-line.
Financial services
Computer equipment
Which Internet retailer did you use (please specify the URL):
When you began shopping on this occasion, were you:
Surfing the net with no intent to purchase
Surfing the net with intent to make a purchase.
How much did you spend on this last transaction?
Less than $25
Between $100-200
Did you return the merchandise or cancel the service after you received it?
Did you contact the customer service department of this Internet retailer with a complaint or problem?
How much would you estimate you have spent with this Internet retailer in the past twelve months?
Less than $50
Between $200-500
How many transactions have you made with this Internet retailer over the past 12 months?
Don't remember
Other (please specify)
Thank you for your participation.

Thinking back to the Internet retailers you've purchased from, have you ever:
Yes No
Provided feedback of the products or services they sell
Completed a survey for that Internet retailer
Communicated with other users via e-mail or chat rooms
Please check the product or service category you most recently purchased on-line.
Financial services
Computer equipment
Which Internet retailer did you use (please specify the URL):
When you began shopping on this occasion, were you:
Surfing the net with no intent to purchase
Surfing the net with intent to make a purchase.
How much did you spend on this last transaction?
Less than $25
Between $100-200
Did you return the merchandise or cancel the service after you received it?
Did you contact the customer service department of this Internet retailer with a complaint or problem?
How much would you estimate you have spent with this Internet retailer in the past twelve months?
Less than $50
Between $200-500
How many transactions have you made with this Internet retailer over the past 12 months?
Don't remember
Other (please specify)
Thank you for your participation.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions regarding this survey.
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